Saturday, April 2, 2011

The meaning of Islam and Iman

The meaning of Islam and Iman

No luck for mankind in the world and the Hereafter except by Islam. Their needs against exceeding the needs of food, beverages, and air. Every human being needs shari'ah. So, he was in between two movements: the movement attractive to the case of useful and movements that reject all sorts of dangers. Islam is the torch which describes the case of beneficial and harmful.
. There are three levels of the Islamic religion: Islam, faith and charity. And each level has to get along.

. The differences between Islam, faith and good deeds:
Islam and the faith when mentioned together, then the meaning of Islam is charitable acts that appeared, namely the five pillars of Islam, and understanding of faith is a charitable act that is not visible, namely the six pillars of faith. And if only one of them (mentioned), then the meaning is the meaning and the law of both.
. The scope of ihsan is more common than faith, and faith is more common than Islam. Ihsan is more general than the meaning, because it contains the meaning of faith. A servant will not be able to dignity ihsan except when he has realized more specific faith and good deeds of the perpetrators, because the expert is a party expert ihsan faith. Thus, every believer and Mohsen is not every believer is a Muhsin.
. Faith is more general than the Islam of its meaning, since it contains Islam. Thus, a servant will not be up to the level of faith has realized unless the faith of Islam and more specifically of the perpetrators, because faith is a party of expert scholars of Islam (Muslims), not all. Thus, every believer is a Muslim and not every Muslim is a believer.

. Understanding Islam:
Islam is submission to Allah  to monotheism and submission to Him with obedient and innocent of shirk and perpetrators. Any person who submit to Allah  alone, then he is a Muslim. And those who submit to Allah  and the others, then he is a polytheist. And whoever does not submit to Allah , then he's an arrogant infidel.

-Pillars of Islam
Pillars of Islam are five:
From Ibn 'Umar , he said, "Messenger of Allah  said," Islam is built upon five things: Testifying that there is no Ilah (the right to be worshiped) but Allah and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah , establish prayer, pay the obligatory zakat, hajj, and fasting Ramadan . Agreed Alaih.

. Understanding Shahadah (laailaaha illallah):
Man admitted to oral and his heart that nothing is right to be worshiped but Allah , and god-god but Him , the vanity and worship his divinity is also vanity. Shahadah sentence contains Nafi (negate / deny) and itsbat (set). (La ilaha), means to reject all that is worshiped besides Allah , (illa) is to establish the worship of Allah  alone, no partner to Him in worship, such as no partner to Him in His kingdom.

. Understanding Shahadah (Prophet Muhammad):
Obedience to the Prophet  in command, confirmed the news, away from the prohibition, and he does not worship Alah  except in a manner that disyari'atkannya.

Faith: You believe in Allah , His angels, His scriptures, His Messengers, the Day of Resurrection, and you believe in qadar (provisions), good and bad.
Faith is the words and deeds. Speech and oral care, and charity care, oral and limb, that faith to grow in obedience and decreases with the immoral.
. Branches of faith:
From Abu Hurayrah , he said, "Messenger of Allah  said, 'Faith is divided into more than seventy or sixty branches. The main thing is greeting laailaa ha illallah and the lowest is to remove interference from the road. And the nature of shame, including a branch of the faith . HR. Muslim

. Faith levels:
Faith had a taste, sweet and essence.
1. As for the taste of faith, the Prophet  explained by his words: "What are people of faith enjoy the pleasure of Allah  as Rabb (God), Islam as a religion, and Muhammad  as an apostle." HR. Muslim
2. The sweetness of faith, the Prophet  explained by his saying: "There are three cases, if there is in a person, would he feel the pleasure of faith: that Allah  and His Messenger  loved more than anything besides the two, he does not love anyone except for God , and he hated to return to disbelief as he hates being thrown in the fire of hell. " Agreed alaih.
3. The essence of faith, it can be obtained by a person who has the essence of religion. Stand up straight fight for religion, in worship and preaching, emigrated and help, Jihad and berinfak.

1, the Word of Allah :
إنما المؤمنون الذين إذا ذكر الله وجلت قلوبهم وإذا تليت عليهم ءاياته زادتهم إيمانا وعلى ربهم يتوكلون {2} الذين يقيمون الصلاة ومما رزقناهم ينفقون {3} أولئك هم المؤمنون حقا لهم درجات عند ربهم ومغفرة ورزق كريم {4}
Those who believe it is they who called the name of God when their hearts trembled, and when read to them His verses, bertambahalah their faith (therefore) and to their Rabblah bertawakkal,.
(They are) those who establish prayer and spend of fortune that we provide to them. That those who believe with truth. They will get some elevation on the side of his Lord and forgiveness and good fortune (good) that noble. (Surat al-Anfaal :2-4)
2, the Word of Allah :
والذين ءامنوا وهاجروا وجاهدوا في سبيل الله والذين ءاووا ونصروا أولئك هم المؤمنون حقا لهم مغفرة ورزق كريم
And those who believe and emigrate and strive in Allah's way, and those who gave the residence and bring relief (to people muhajirin), they are the ones who truly believe. They obtained a pardon and the provision (delicious), the noble. (Surat al-Anfal: 74)
3, the Word of Allah :
إنما المؤمنون الذين ءامنوا بالله ورسوله ثم لم يرتابوا وجاهدوا بأموالهم وأنفسهم في سبيل الله أولائك هم الصادقون
Those who believe only those who believe in Allah and His Messenger, then they did not hesitate, and they strive with their wealth and their souls in the way of Allah, they are the ones who correct. (Surat al-Hujuraan: 15)

. A servant can not reach the essence of faith, so he knew that whatever happened would not miss any of it and escape from it certainly will not happen to him.
. Perfection of Faith:
Perfect love to God, His Messenger  consequences of something he loved. When love and hate just because Allah , both of which are the heart of worship, and giving and not give him only because Allah , both of which are charitable body worship, surely it shows the perfection of faith and the perfection of love for Allah .
From Abu Umaamah , the Messenger of Allah  said, "He who love for Allah, gives for Allah, because Allah  and banned, he would have been perfect faith." HR: Abu Daud

Including the Case-Case Faith
. Love to the Prophet :
From Anas ibn Malik , he said, 'Messenger of Allah  said,' Do not believe in (perfect) person among you that I loved more than his father, his son, and Man as well. "Agreed alaih.
. Loving the anshar:
From Anas , the Prophet , he said, "The sign of faith is love the anshar and a sign of hypocrisy is to hate the anshar." Agreed alaih
. Loving those who believe:
From Abu Hurayrah , he said, 'Messenger of Allah  said,' You can not go to heaven so that you believe, and you do not believe that people love each other. Would you like me to show you something you would do if people love each other, greeting tebarkanlah among you. "HR. Muslim
. Loving a fellow Muslim brother:
From Anas ibn Malik , the Prophet , he said, "No believer (perfect) someone you that he loves for his brother or neighbor-what-he loved her himself." Agreed a'alaih
. Loving neighbors and guests, and did not speak except about the good:
From Abu Hurayrah , the Messenger of Allah , he said, "Whoever believes in Allah  and the Last Day, let him say good or silent. Those who believe in Allah  and the Last Day, let him glorify neighbors. Those who believe! Allah and the Last Day, let him glorify his guest. " Agreed Alaih.

. Ordered that ma'ruf and forbids the unjust:
From Abu Sa'eed al-Khudri , he said, "I heard the Messenger of Allah  said, 'Whosoever of you see the unjust (which banned religion) let him change it with his hand. If he is unable, then (let him change it ) with verbal instructions. If he is unable, then (let him change it with his heart, and that was the least of weakness of faith. "HR. Muslim.
. Advice:
Of Tamim ad-Darimi , that the Prophet  said, "Religion is advice." We asked, 'To whom? " He replied, 'To Allah , His books, His Messengers, the leader of the Muslims and Muslims in general. " HR. Muslim.
. Faith is the most important deeds:
From Abu Hurayrah , indeed the Messenger of Allah  was asked: 'What is the most important deeds? " He replied, 'Faith in Allah  and His Messenger. " He asked again, 'Then what? " He said, 'Jihad in the way of Allah . " He asked again, 'Then what? " He replied, 'Pilgrims Mabrur. "Agreed Alaih.

. Faith increases with obedience and decreases with immoral acts:
1, the Word of Allah :
He was the one who has lowered tranquility into the hearts of believers to their faith to grow in addition to their faith (which already exists). (Surat al-Fath: 4)
2, the Word of Allah :
And when it is lowered one letter, then in between them (hypocrites) say: "Who among you who increased his faith with the (falling) this letter?". As for those who believe, the letter adds to his faith, while they feel happy. (Surat At-Tauba: 124)
3, from Abu Hurayrah , that the Prophet  said, "No person who fornicate fornicate fornicate moment while he, being a believer. No person who stole steal when he stole while he was in a state of faith. And do not drink wine (the drink) when he drank while he was in a state of faith. " Agreed alaih.
4, From Anas ibn Malik , the Prophet , he said, "I'll get out of hell man who once said: 'There is no Ilah (the right to be worshiped) but Allah,' and there is goodness in his heart as heavy hair.'ll Get out of hell man who once said: 'There is no Ilah (the right to be worshiped) but Allah,' and there is goodness in his heart as heavy grain. And it will come out of hell who once said: 'There is no Ilah (the right to be worshiped) but Allah,' and in his heart there is weighing the good of mustard seeds (atoms). " And in a history: 'faith' in the 'goodness'.

. Charitable deeds pagans did before Islam:
1, If ​​the unbelievers convert to Islam, then he is doing good, then all the ugliness forgiven him, because the word of Allah :
Say to those who disbelieve: "If they cease (from disbelief), Allah will forgive them of their sins that are past, and if they come back again real will apply (to them) sunnah (God's) people first-person. " (Surat al-Anfaal: 38)
2, And all his good deeds (which he did during the Kufr) is given the reward to him, based on history that Hakim bin Hizam Prophet   ask: 'What do you think of some things (good) that I have ever done in the ignorance, is there a reward for my ? ' Prophet  said to him: 'You embraced Islam with the good that ever you did. "Agreed Alaih.
3, Dan (vice versa), those who converted to Islam, then do sin, then he was tortured with a (sin), the first and last. Based on the statement of the Prophet : 'Those who do in the future of Islam, would not be tortured because of bad deeds she had done in the ignorance. And those who do evil in the post-Islamic, he would be tortured because (sin), the first and last. "Agreed Alaih.