Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Biography Rabi'a al-Adawiyah

At the end of the first period of Hijra, the Islamic community alive in the reign of Bani Umaiyah previously famous for its devotion has started to change. The free association and the people crowded berlumba dolphins seek wealth. Indeed, it is widespread crime and immorality. Job of singing, dancing and more respectable berhibur glorified. Then begin to blunt the sharpness of faith and age wara and ascetic life nearly disappeared altogether. . However, God has kept sebilangan the Muslims so as not to fall into such slander. At times it appeared a new movement called Sufism Islami, led by Hasan al-Basri. Followers composed than men and women. They spend time and effort to educate the soul and spirit to overcome any and all claims for air nafu draw closer to God as a servant who is really obedient. Father Rabiah is a very devoted servant, knocked out rather than luxury world and never tired thankful to God. He educates his daughter to be clean minded Muslim. Education that gives bersumberkan al-Quran alone. Rabiah Natijahnya alone so loved to read and appreciate the contents of the Koran sehigga victorious al-Quran memorizing content. Since little more spirited Rabiah sememangnya smooth, have high confidence and a deep faith. By his maturity, his life becomes all-narrow. The situation grew worse after he left his father and mother. Rabiah is no exception rather than a test that aims to prove persistence of faith. There is a history that says he has been trapped in the cauldron immoral. But with abundant guidance of Allah, with the principle of faith that has not been extinguished in his heart, he dipermudahkan by God to repent again. Rounds of repentance is what might be menyedar and encourage our hearts tasted a proper way a servant depends on twelve ihsan please his Lord. Let us examine when the silence greeting Rabiah calm night when bermunajat to Allah: O Allah, my Lord. I shelter myself to you than all that there may be memesongkan yourself than you, than any that may pendinding wall between me and thee! My God! The stars have transformed to a beautiful, eyes have been sleeping soundly, all the owners had closed its doors and this is my seat in front of you. My God! No I heard a roaring beast, no rustling trees that shift, there is no whisper of running water, no singing bird whistling, no joy of shade that protects, not a comfortable breeze, not a scary pounding thunder but I found it to be evidence of Oneness You and showed no match something you. Sekelian humans have to sleep and everyone was negligent with maksyuknya fun. Rabiah who lives just a lot of mistakes in your presence. So I hope you give him a view that will keep him instead of sleeping so that he can submissive unto Thee. Rabiah also pleaded mercy ihsan roaring Allah SWT: My Lord! You will bring people close to greatness in thy silence. All the fish in the sea hymn in the deep ocean and kerana greatness of thy holiness, waves at sea bertepukan. You are the God who bow down to him that dark night, a light lunch, a round space, the moon is illuminated, the star berkerdipan and every thing on your side with destiny because you are the God the Most High, the Mighty. Every night that's how things Rabiah. When dawn broke, Rabiah continue also bermunajat with phrases like: "O my Lord! Night and day will be gone also will change. O unfortunately self! Is this you will receive my evening so I feel happy or you will reject it then I was given condolence? For the sake of Thy glory, and teach the way I was immortal as long as you turn on me and help me on it. For the sake of Thy glory, if thou thy door menghalauku than that, nescaya I would still not moving well from it caused my heart is love to you. Seperkara is interesting about yourself Rabiah berkahwin he refused an application for the following reasons: Perkahwinan it is necessary for sesiapa who have a choice. As I have no choice for me. I belong to my Lord and under His command. I do not have anything else. Rabiah seems not to recognize other than Allah. By that he keeps loving God solely. He has no other purpose except to reach keredhaan God. Rabiah has impute minds, thoughts and feelings only to the hereafter solely. He sentiasa put a cloth in front of him and sentiasa kapannya membelek-beleknya every day. For 30 years he kept repeating these words in sembahyangnya: My Lord! Tenggelamkanlah me in thy love so no nothing that can turn me than you. Between the famous poem that reads: My beloved match no other lover after all, There is no other than Him in my heart to have any place, my visions and supernatural than peribadiku though, but he was never in my heart though unseen second. Rabiah has formed a remarkable way in the love of God. He made his love of the divine as a way to cleanse the heart and soul. He set about fahaman sufinya by instilling fear of the wrath of God as he had been diluahkannya: O my Lord! Are you shall burn with fire the heart that loves thy calling and verbal and thy servant who feared to you? Rabiah to God's love triumphed over hope to obtain God's sheer heaven: If I adore You kerana fear rather than your Hell then burn me in it! And if I adore You kerana thy greedy to heaven then I haramkanlah thereof! But if I adore You kerana my love to you, then give me a great reply, give me see thy face is the Greatest and Most Noble it. That state of life of Rabiah who are destined by God to be tested with faith and love to Him. Rabiah died in 135 Hijrah namely when he reaches 80 years. I hope God meredhainya, amen! Now let us consider ourselves as well. Are we menyedari one nature called by God in Surah Ali Imran, verse 142 which meant: Do you think that free you will enter heaven when God is not real for those who strive among you and not real people who are patient? How we feel when we love human beings offends us? Are we continue to lose heart and put the blame on human respect? Not terlintaskah to feel in my heart is like this: O Allah! Forgive me. Indeed only You the Most Gracious, Most Merciful. Only Your love is eternal and lives only in the side of the berkekalan thy sake only. Save me than trickery that's fun. Indeed what the track is also the heart and discharge the blaze sense than we do depends on how our hearts connect with God. The more we recognize the grandeur of love to God, then the increase is closely pergantungan our hearts to God and gave birth to the belief that sentiasa love and fertility. Continued that our souls are not easy to feel disappointed with the signs of various kinds of fellow human beings. Things like this really needs to be nurtured first by looking at and contemplating the nature of this spreading as a great gift from God to serious benefits to human life. Then cubalah count how many blessings God gives to us. With that we will be aware that unlicensed we actually only depend on God. Starting from here we will be able to nurture feelings of love towards God which then must diperkukuhkan with the commandment to love God's commandments. Hopefully later on we will also be one who yearns eternal love of God is eternal. Stories Rabi'a al-Adawiyyah One day a man came to Rabiah and asked, "Sayaini been doing a lot of sins. Maksiat my drift beyond the mountains. If I repent, if God would accept my repentance? "" No, "replied Rabi'a with a firm voice. At another time a man came also to him. The man said, "If every grain of sand it is a sin, then an area of ​​scattered gurunlah my sins. Maksiat what I have done, whether small or large. But now I have to undergo penance. Does God accept my repentance? "" Sure, "said Rabiah no less firmly. Then he explains, "If God is not willing to accept the repentance of a servant, whether it is possible that servant was moved through repentance? To cease from sin, do not put the word "will" or "if" because it would ruin niatmu sincerity. "Indeed, the woman Sufi sayings often painful ear for them who do not understand his way of thinking. He is a very high degree mistisi and Sufi groups classified the initial period. He enriched the literature of Islam with the stories of mystical experiences in the poems of high quality. Indeed he is better known as a founder of the 'religion of love' (mahabbah) and he also remembered as the 'mother of the great Sufi' (The Mother of the Grand Master). Who was he that his departure was hailed the 'sacred' that? He is a figure no other woman called Rabiah Basri, or better known as Rabiah Al Adawiyah AlBashriyah, born in 713 AD in Basrah (Iraq), from an untouchable family. As a fourth child. That's why he was named Rabiah. The baby was born when his parents lived a very miserable time itukota Basrah despite wallowing in wealth and luxury. No one who was beside her mother, let alone help him, because his father, Ismail, was trying to ask for assistance to its neighbors. However, because it was far into the night, none of them are awake. With a limp Ismail returned no results, even though he only wanted to borrow or kerosene lamps to illuminate his wife who will give birth. With feelings of despair Ismail into the cubicle. Suddenly his eyes terbelak happy to see what happened in that chamber. A beam of light emanating from the newly born babies without the help of anyone. "Oh God," exclaimed Ishmael, "my son, Rabiah, has come to bring light will illuminate the surrounding nature." Then Ishmael murmured, "Amen." But the light beams that wrap around the little baby did not make the family apart from the winding kemiskinan.Ismail still do not have anything except the three slices of bread for his wife who was still weak. He then prostrated himself in a long tahajud, fate handed him and his entire family to the Creator of Life. Suddenly she seemed to be in a sea of ​​dreams when clots are more bright light appeared in front of him, and after that the apostle comes like a fresh-fit. To Ismail, the Prophet said, "Do not be sad, devout people. Your son will be sought intercession by those noble. Go to the ruler of the city of Basrah, and told him that on Friday nights ago he did not perform Sunnah prayers as usual. Say, as kifarat of negligence, he must pay one dinar for one of the abandoned cycles. While Ismail did as instructed Prophet in his dream, Isa Zadan, ruler of the city of Basrah, the aghast. He is usually prayed sunnah 100 cycles per night, while every Friday night he was always working on 400 cycles. Therefore, to Ismail delivered the money as much as 400 pence, according to the number of cycles had left on Friday nights ago. That some of the signs Karamah Rabiah al-Adawiyah, a Sufi woman from Basra city, which is available only love in his heart to God. Once the glory of love between servants and their creators engaged until he had no time for hate or love, to grieve or rejoice than with God. Ismail and his wife died while Rabiah was a kid. Similarly, the third brother Rabiah, died when famine hit the city of Basrah. In solitude, finally Rabiah fall into the hands of cruel people, who then sold it as a bondsman with very cheap price. His new employer did not lose bengisnya compared with the previous employer. Once free, Rabiah go somewhere quiet place to live life by meditating, and finally came in a shack near Basrah. Here he lived an ascetic. A battered mat, a kendil from the ground, and a brick, is a treasure that he had and friends in life kepertapaan. Practically since then, he devoted his whole life only to God Almighty. Prayer and remembrance is the decoration of his life. I was so busy taking care of 'afterlife', he was negligent with worldly affairs, including developing household. Although many proposal come, including from the governor of Basra and a famous mystic saint, Hasan Basri, Rabiah remained interested for an end to the bachelor. This he lived until his death, in the year 801 AD On the way kesufian Rabiah, solitude, silence, pain, suffering seemed to melt into one; rhythm of the heroic to the love of the Ada (The Ultimate Being). No wonder if he's 'humbled man' and to serve on the drive to achieve the highest perfection. He explored the realm of the mystic, who finished in the territory of religion, to get the elegant love experienced by Muslims is not formal. Being a Sufi in the course of Rabiah is "passed from merely being right there right there." Rabiah Sufism is the choice of the pitfalls of useless creation. Given the depth of his love for God, Rabiah to not leave even an inch of his love for mankind. Thaury Sufyan, a Sufi who lived during her, was astonished with the attitude of Rabiah. The reason, Sufyan never seen how Rabiah reject the love of a wealthy prince for his love to God. He was not tempted dengankenikmatan worldly, let alone property. Rabiah Love can not be called a love that expects balasan.Justru, which he traveled the journey to reach sincerity. Something regarded as a fertile field for satisfying his love for a broad, and often these uncontrollable. Through a prayer-like poem, he said, "If I worship Thee for fear of hell fire then put me in it! And if I worship Thee for Thy greedy to heaven, then I haramkanlah thereof! But if I adore You because of my love to you, then give me a great reply, give me a chance to see the face of Your Majesty the Great and Almighty. "Rabiah life journey marked by kekaribannya with a situation full of limitations, living with his parents and brother brother, sold as slaves, menghamba to his master until freed from slavery, and wandering life. The first period is known as an ascetic period Rabiah. Fariduddin al-Attar told in the book Taz-kiratul Auliya that Rabiah very good at blowing the flute. For a period of time he sustains his life by playing music. However, later he took advantage of cleverness to accompany the Sufi dhikr which is in its efforts to draw closer to God. In addition, he visited the mosques, from morning till late at night. However, because he felt that way toward God no more, they abandoned all that. He did not blow the flute again, and he no longer went to the mosques. He spent time with worship and berzikir.Periode the second is called the period of Sufism, a period when Rabiah have reached mahabbattullah (love God) to death and praised as the Testimony of Belief (Evidence of Faith). Doris Lessing, an observer of life's journey Rabiah, giving the conclusion that this heroine Sufism is a form of Sufism Sufism cinta.Sejenis that puts love (mahabbah) as his calling. Sufism is not intended to dissolve in ecstatic (passion that overflowed) and the dimensionless worship or glorification and additional methods that are full of the sacrament. Nevertheless, Rabiah experience is experience which is difficult to imitate the saints by the layman. Understanding Rabiah very difficult. As his lifetime, Rabiah seems far from us. In addition, the perfection that accompanies it can not possibly be matched by ordinary people. What's done in his life really is Rabiah endeavor to familiarize themselves 'meet' with his creator. That's where he obtained a warmth, kesyahduan, certainty, and the authenticity of life. Something is now sorely missed by modern humans. Therefore, a devotee of the Lord is the obsession of Rabiah who have never known the edge and boundary. No wonder the world is digaulinya free of rancor. Total has been given to a love. Interesting we see some prayers that were offered at the time Rabiah late at night, on the roof of his house: "O my Lord, the stars shone resplendent, humans have been sleeping soundly, and the kings had closed its doors, every person who was busy making love with her beloved masyuk , and here I am alone with Thee. "If the dawn has blossomed and the fibers of light scatter in the horizon, Rabiah was praying fervently," Yes, divine. The night has passed, and the day before coming. Ah, if the night never ends, how happy my heart because I can always entirely mixed-intimate with You. divine, for the sake of Thy glory, even if you reject me knocking on your door, I will always be waiting at the door because my love had been bound with You. "So, if Rabiah open window of her room, and the loose nature unfolds before his eyes, he was immediately whispered, "My Lord. When I heard chirping wildlife and birds flapping their wings, in fact they are praising You. At the time I heard desauan wind and the rush of water in the mountains, even when thunder boomed, all I saw was a witness to the unity of Thy. About her future she was asked by Sufyan Thaury: "Are you going to get married someday?" Rabiah evasive, "Marriage is an obligation for those who have a choice. Though I have no choice but to serve God. "" How is the course until you reach the dignity of that? "" Because had I gave you all my life, "said Rabiah. "Why could you do that, but we do not?" With sincere Rabiah replied, "Because I was not able to create harmony between marriage and love of God." There is a story of when Rabiah al-Adawiyah eat with his family. Before eating a dish of food available, Rabi'a looked at his father, saying, "Daddy, haram forever will not be kosher. Especially because my father felt obliged to provide for us. "His father and mother shocked to hear the words Rabi'a. Food that has been in the mouth eventually not be eaten. He looked Rabi'a by flashing eyes gentle, loving. Smiling, the father then said, "Rabi'a, what do you think, if nothing else we can get unless the goods are haram?" Rabi'a replied: "Let us starve in the world, this is better than we hold in the Hereafter in the fire of hell. "Her father was certainly very surprised to hear the answer Rabi'a, because the answer as it only heard in the assemblies, which was attended by the Sufis or the pious. It had not occurred by his father, that Rabi'a young man has shown the maturity of mind and have high morals (Abdul Mu'in Qandil). Snippet story above is actually only a part of the glory of morals Rabi'a al-Adawiyah, a Sufi woman whose name and his teachings have given inspiration to the lovers Ilahi.Rabi 'ah is a legendary Sufi. History of life much expressed by various parties, both in the world of Sufi and academicians. Rabi'a is the first to introduce the teachings of Sufi Mahabbah (Love) Divine, a ladder (maqam) or levels through which a salik (facer road Divine). Besides Rabi'a al-Adawiyah, another Sufi who introduced the teachings of Maulana Jalaluddin Rumi is mahabbah, Sufi poet who was born in Persia in 604 AD and died tahun672 H/1207 H/1273 M. Jalaluddin Rumi was a lot to introduce the concept of Mahabbah through syai'ir-sya'irnya, especially in MathnawT and Diwan-i Sham-ITabriz. Throughout its history, the concept of Divine Love (Mahabbatullah) who introduced this Rabi'a has been discussed by various kalangan.Sebab, concepts and teachings of Love Rabi'a have the deepest meaning and essence than Love itself. In fact, according to the Sufis, none other Mahabbatullah a maqam (station, or hierarchy that must be passed by the facer way to achieve now accepteth thy Divine Allah in worship), even the culmination of all the stations. Hujjatul Islam Imam al-Ghazali as saying, "After Mahabbatullah, no more stations, but only the fruit from it and follow it, such as longing (syauq), intimacy (uns), and contentment (Ridla)." Rabi'a have reached the top of the station, namely Mahabbahtullah.Untuk explain how Love Rabi'a to God, it seems rather difficult to define with words. In other words, CintaIlahi is not something that can be documented with certainty, either through words or symbols. The Sufis themselves vary pendapatuntuk defines this Divine Love. Therefore, definition of love is based on the difference Ilahilebih spiritual experience that experienced by the Sufis in his spiritual journey to the Khalik.Cinta Rabi'a is spiritual Love (Love qudus), not al-hubbal Love-hawa (love lust) or other Love . Ibn Qayyim al-Jauziyah (691-751 H) Love divides into four parts. First, the love of God. With the love of God someone is not necessarily safe from the punishment of God, or get his reward, because of the polytheists, worshipers of the cross, Jews, and others also love God. Second, love what God loves. Love is what can classify those who had converted to Islam and out of disbelief. Humans are the most Love is the most powerful dengancinta this. Third, Love for God and to God. Love This includes the development of loving what God loves. Fourth, Love with God. Love this kind of shirk. Everyone loves something with God and not for God, then indeed he has made something other than God. This is the love of the polytheists. Main worship, according to Ibn Qayyim, is Love to God, even specialize just love to God alone. So, let all Love is only to God, not love others the same love Him. He loves anything that is only because of God and is in the way of Allah. True love is when where all of you would you hand it to you Beloved (God), until no left at all for you (because you all have given to God), and be thou envious (ghirah), if there are people who love Boyfriend exceeds Love Him . A sya'ir says: I'm jealous of him, Because I Love Him, then I remembered the levels of love, Finally I can control cemburuku Therefore, every Love is not because God is every practice that does not bathil.Dan intended because God is false as well. And the world is condemned and what is in it also cursed, except for Allah and His Messenger Rabi'a means four, because he is the fourth child of four siblings. Everything women. Never one when his father prayed for his gifted son. this is because families Rabi'a not including the family of deprivation and suffering. Especially with the birth of a female Rabi'a, his father was suffering the burden is felt more and gain weight, so that when later blessed with boys, it is expected that the burden of suffering will be reduced because the boys can protect the entire keluarganya.Atau least able to help his father to make a living. During his father Rabi'a always full of life and ascetic piety. So did Rabi'a, which, though from childhood to adult life completely lack, but he did not shrink her to continue to worship God. Instead, he made his family destitution as a key to enter the world of the Sufis, who then melegendakan his name as one of the martyred Sufi woman among the rows of the history of the Sufis. Rabi'a did not inherit the works of Sufi, termasuksya'ir-sya'ir Divine Love which he often senandungkan. However, sya'ir-sya'ir sufistiknya actually much quoted by the biographers Rabi'a, among others, J. Shibt Ibn Jawzi (d. 1257 CE) dengankaryanya Mir'at az-Zaman (Mirror of the Century), Ibn Khallikan (d. 1282 AD) with his work Wafayatul A'yan (Obituaries The Big Man), Yafi'Iasy-Shafi'i (d. 1367 AD) with his work-Riyahin Raudl ar fi Hikayatash-Righteous (fragrant garden in the Life of People Saleh), and Fariduddin Attar (d. 1230 AD) with his work Tadzkirat al-Auliya '(Memoirs of The Guardian). Of the many biographers Rabi'a, Tadzkirat al-Awliya 'by Fariduddin Attar apparently regarded as the closest biography Rabi'a life, especially when the early Rabi'a would be born in the middle of a very poor family (but no which states that the family actually Rabi'a including royal). History Attar, who was quoted Margaret Smith in his book Rabi'a the Mystic & Her Fellow-Saints in Islam (a dissertation, published by Cambridge University Press, London, 192cool, among others, reveal many sides of life from childhood to adult Rabi'a. Attar told about the unfortunate fate that befell the family Rabi'a. When Rabi'a adulthood, his father and his mother later died. Be present it as an orphan. Rabi'a Suffering continues to grow, especially after the great famine-stricken city of Basra. Rabbi 'ah and suadara and sisters are forced to split up, so he must bear the burden of suffering alone. One day, while walking in the city of Basra, he met a man who has bad intentions. The man then pulled Rabbi 'ah and sold as a slave for six dirhams to a man. In his status as a slave, Rabi'a really be treated less humanely. Day and night workers squeezed Rabi'a without knowing the break. One time, there is a man foreigners who come and see Rabi'a without wearing a veil. When the man approached her, Rabi'a then struggled and then fell to slip. His face fell at the hot sand and said: "O Allah, I was a traveler without a father and mother, an orphan and a slave. I have fallen and injured, though I'm not heartbroken by this incident, I just wanted to pleasure Mu.Aku eager to know whether thou Rida on me or not. "After that, he heard a voice said, "Do not be sad, because at the time the Day of Judgement will be the same derajatmu people closest to God in heaven." After that, Rabi'a back home to his master and shall perform fasting while doing his job everyday. Perhaps, in carrying out worship, he could stand on his feet until noon. On one night, his master had awakened from sleep and from his window he saw Rabi'a was prostrate worship. In Rabi'a prayers prayed, "O Allah, my Lord, Thou the One Who is Aware of desire in my heart to always obey thy commandments. If the problem is just located me, makaaku will not cease even for an hour to worship Thee, O God. "For You was who created me. "When Rabi'a still solemn worship, his master looked to see there is a lantern hanging over the head Rabi'a without even a piece of rope that tied it. lanterns illuminate the entire house is a light" sakinah "(taken from the language Hebrew "Shekina", meaning the light of the Grace) of a Muslim saint. Seeing the strange events that happened on his slave, the employer Rabi'a certainly feel terrified. He then got up and returned to its original bed. For a moment he was stunned until dawn. Taklama after that he called Rabi'a and talk to him nicely while freeing Rabi'a as slaves. Rabi'a was farewell to go and continue wandering in a barren desert. In Rabi'a travels very eager to go to Mecca accomplish pilgrimage. Finally, he also departed the company of a donkey as a transport his goods. Unfortunately, not to mention the trip to Mecca to, the donkey died suddenly in the middle of the road. He then met with a group of caravans and they offer to Rabi'a to bring the goods miliknya.Namun, the offer was rejected with good reason do not wish to have recourse to no other than his Lord. He only believes in God's help and do not believe in his creatures. Those people also understand the desire Rabi ' ah, so they continue the journey. Rabi'a paused and then lowered her head as she prayed, "O Allah, what else would you do with a foreign woman and this weak? You are the one who called me into your house (Ka'bah), but in the middle of the road you take the donkey and left me alone in the middle of this padangpasir. "Having fun bermunajat, in front of a donkey which was originally Rabi'a looks dead is alive again. Rabi'a course happy because they can continue the journey to Mecca. In a different story mentioned, when Rabi'a was in the middle of the desert, he prayed, "O Allah, my Lord. My heart is feeling so confused, where do I go? I was just dust on this earth and the house (Ka 'Flood) is just a stone for me. Tampakkanlah thy face in this glorious place. "Bgeitu he prayed that God's voice appears and goes straight into the heart without any distance," O Rabi'a, when Moses wanted to see my face , I break the Mount Sinai and broken into forty pieces. beradadi Stay there with my name. "Narrated Similarly, when Rabi'a on his way to Mecca, amid sudden he saw the Kaaba came over him. Rabi'a ago said, "God who I miss, what does this mean this house for me? I'd love to meet with Him who said, 'Any person who approached me with a distance of even one hour, then I will be as close as her veins." Kaaba that I look at this do not have any power against me, what joy I get when faced with the Ka'bah this beautiful to me? "Long story short, Rabi'a returning from pilgrimage in Mecca, he later settled in Basra and devoted his whole life to worship to God while doing noble deeds. As many biographies written in Rabi'a al-Adawiyah, this holy woman did not think himself to menikah.Sebab, according Rabi'a, the path is not married is the right action to perform search God without having burdened by worldly affairs. In fact, not a few men who tried to approach Rabi'a and even ask for her hand. Among them is Abdul Wahid bin Zayd, a Sufi ascetic and wara. He was also a theologian and including one a prominent cleric in the city of Basra. One time, Abdul Wahid bin Zayd had tried to woo Rabi'a. But the proposal was rejected by saying, "O men sensual, sensual women look for other equally with them. Do you see any one sign sensual in me? "another man who had filed an application to Rabi'a is Muhammad ibn Sulaiman al-Hasyimi, an Abbasid Amir of Basra (d. 172 H). To try to get Rabi'a as his wife, the man could provide a marriage dowry of 100 thousand dinars and also inform the Rabi'a that he still has an income of 10 thousand dinars per month. But Rabi'a answered, "I really do not feel good that you'll be my slave and all yours will you give it me, or you will pull me from God even if only for a while. "In another story mentioned, there are male friend Rabi'a named Hasan al-Basri who also intend to marry Rabi'a same. Even the companions of other Sufi Rabi'a urged the city to marry a fellow Sufi as well. Because of the insistence that, Rabi'a and then say, "Well, I'm going to marry someone of the most clever of you." They said Hasan al-Basri was the one. "Rabi ' ah then told Hasan al-Basri, "If you can answer the four questions, I would be willing to be your wife." Hasan al-Basri said, "Ask, and if God let me, I will answer your questions." "The first question," Rabi'a said, "What will be said by the Judge of the world later this hour of my death, will I die in Islam, or apostasy?" Hasan replied, "Only Allah the Most Knowing that can be answered." "The second question, when I was in the grave later, when the Angel Munkar and Nakir asking me, can I answer that? "Hasan replied," Only Allah the Most Knowing. "" The third question, when people gathered at the Padang Mahsyar Calculation Day (Yaumul Hisab) any later will receive a notebook charity in his right hand and left hand. What about me, would I receive in the right hand or left hand? "Hasan replied back," Only Allah Almighty Knows. "" The final question, when the Day of Judgement day, some people will go to heaven and some others go to hell. In the group where I'm going to be? "Hasan once again answered as the answer to the original that only God alone is the Knower of all secrets are hidden. Furthermore, Rabi'a told Hasan al-Basri," I have asked four questions about myself, how I have a husband with whom I spend my time with him? "In penolakannyaitu Similarly, Rabi'a then hum a beautiful sya'ir enough. Damaiku, O my brethren, in my loneliness, And my love forever with me when , Because of her love for it, was second to none, And his love is testing me, Of the beauty of a mortal, the time I contemplate the beauty of Him, He is "mirabku", He is "kiblatku", If I die because of my love, Before I get kepuasaanku, Amboi, how hinanya my life in this world, Oh, the burning passion of the soul consolation, Juangku when united with thy have solace my soul, O my happiness and my life forever, Thou was the source of my life, And from thy nevertheless comes happiness , has been kutanggalkan all this mortal beauty from me, Harapku can be united with You, Because that's life go too. And so, although as a human being, Rabi'a never been tempted at all by the beauty of the mortal world. Until his death, he just prefers God as Lover true rather than merely to have sex with a fellow human being. Nevertheless, it is mentioned that Rabi'a has a number of male companions, and very little once he was friendly with the women. Among the friends who are close enough such Rabi'a Dzun Nun al-Mishri, an Egyptian who introduced the teachings of Sufi doctrine ma'rifat. Sufi was killed in tahun856 M and was friendly with Rabi'a for more than half a century. There's even a mention that the meeting between Dzun Nunal-Mishri with this Rabi'a occurred since the early- early age. Among his companions were Sufis, Rabi'a berdiskusidan talked a lot about the truth, both day and night. One of his companions Rabi'a, Hasan al-Basri, for example, recounted: "Akulewati night and day with equal to Rabi'a, discuss the Way, the Truth, and never occurred to kubahwa I were a man and so did Rabi'a, never existed in her mind that she is a woman, and finally I look inside myself, I realized that I did not have anything, that is spiritually I'm not worthy, Rabi'a was the one who actually true. In another story, recounted that on one day past the hallway Rabi'a Hasan al-Basri. Hasan saw through the window and crying, until her tears dripping on the robe fell Rabi'a. He looked up, and think that day is not raining, and when she realized that tears were her best friend, then She went the friend who was crying and said, "O my teacher, water was only pride ourselves only tears and not a result of looking into your heart, where in your heart that will form the river water is in it no longer will you find your heart, unless he has shared with God the Almighty. "After hearing the word Rabi'a said that, Hasan looked only silence. Among his friends, life feels a lot memberimanfaat Rabi'a. Rabi'a This is because a lot of attention to their lives. Rabi'a considerable attention to his companions, , for example, evidenced by the following story: Once upon a time, there is a man who asked for Rabi'a pray for him. But the request was returned by Rabi'a with a sense of humility, "O, who I was? Turutlah God's command and pray to Him, because He will answer every prayer if you request them. "The ascetic of Rabi'a al-Adawiyah As disclosed earlier, Rabi'a since childhood has had a character that is not so much attention to the life of a simple duniawi.Hidupnya very large and careful of any food that goes into his stomach. Even so zuhudnya, Rabi'a often rejects any assistance that comes from his companions, but instead Rabi'a instead busied himself to serve his Lord. After her from slavery, Rabbi 'ah choose to live alone disebuah simple shack in the city of Basra birthplace. He left the world and live only to worship God. Apparently, the desire for the ascetic life of this worldly life he really run consistently. Ever Al-Jahiz example, an older generation Sufi, relates that some of his best friend told Rabi'a, "Suppose we say to one of your family, surely they will give you a slave, who will serve your needs in this house." But he replied, "Really, I'm very ashamed to ask for worldly needs to the owners of this world, how I had to ask that instead of having the world? "Suddenly a voice said:" If you want this world, then will I give it all and I'm blessed, but I will step aside from the your heart, because Akutak probably in the heart of a world. WahaiRabi'ah, I have the Will and so also with you. I do not maybe it will combine two in one heart. "Rabi'a then says," When I heard the warning , kutanggalkan this heart of the world and worldly expectations kuselama decided thirty years. I prayed as if this last time, and at noon I shut myself away from other creatures, I was afraid they would pull me from Himself, then akau say, " My God, this heart sibukkanlah with just calling you, do not you let them pull me from you. "As a zahid, Rabi'a always bermunajat to God for inevitable from dependency upon humans. However, the ascetic journey Rabi'a apparently experienced not easy so just dilalui.Di forward, many challenges and trials he had faced. The facts that is reasonable, because as humans, can not be her only depend on God alone. However, Rabi'a still trying to avoid any assistance that come apart from Allah, so that even if he lived in poverty (faqr), but poverty is considered as part of God's love to Rabi'a. In one such story is mentioned, his friend Malik ibn Dinar at a time found lying sick Rabi'a on top of an old and worn-out mats, and brick as a pillow on his head. See the sights like that, Malik then said to Rabi'a, "I have rich friends and if you need help I'll ask them." Rabi ' ah said, "O Malik, you are wrong. Is not That gives them and I eat together?" Malik said, "Yes, it is the same." Rabi'a says, "Is God going to forget to His servants who are poor because of poverty and Will he remember to His servant rich because his wealth? "Malik said," No. "Rabi'a then returned saying," Because He knows how I was doing, why I had to remind him? What do you want Him, we must accept it. "The attitude displayed the ascetic Rabi'a really is nothing else for it is just more to love God rather than sentient creatures. Because of that, living in poverty is not a hindrance to worship him danlebih close to his Lord. And, anyway, Rabi'a consider bahwakefakiran is a destiny , that therefore he must accept with full sincerity. Happiness and suffering, according to Rabi'a, is coming from God. And in a way that sufistiknya, Rabi'a itself has carried out the message the Prophet: "Zuhudlahengkau in the world, surely Allah will love you. Zuhudlah on what yangada in humans, certain people will love you. "Rabi'a al-Divine Love Divine Love Adawiyah (al-al-Ilah hubb) in view of the Sufis has the highest value. Even mahabbah in a position not unlike the Sufi maqamat maqam ma'rifat, or between mahabbah and ma'rifat are twins of one another can not be separated. Abu Nasr as-Sarraj, ath-Thusi said, love the Sufis and ma'rifat that arise from their views and knowledge about eternal love and unconditionally to God. Love that arise without intent and purpose whatsoever. What was taught mahabbah Rabi'a through it, actually not much different from that taught by Hasan al-Basri khauf concepts (fear) and the king '(hope) . However, when Hasan al-Bahsri devoted to God based on fear of hell and hope for masuksurga, then mahabbah Rabi'a just the opposite. He is devoted to God not because of fear of hell or heaven expecting something in return, but he love God more because God alone. kepadadan attitude of love for God alone, for instance, reflected in sya'ir Rabi'ahsebagai follows: O Allah, if I worship You, because of fear of hell, then I burn in hell. And if I worship You for expecting paradise , Throw me out of heaven. But if I adore Thee, to Thee, Thou reluctant to show the beauty of Thy face, the Eternal to me. Love of God so strong Rabi'a to handcuff him, so his heart would not be able to turn to other than God. Rabi'a Never once asked, "Is not love Rabi'a Apostle?" He replied, "Yes, I love him, but my love to the Creator made me turn away from loving creatures." Rabi'a also asked about the existence of the devil and if he hated it? He replied, "No, my love for God does not leave any empty space inside me to feel hate devil." God is a friend and lover himself, so that wherever Rabi'a go, only God that exists in heart. He loves God with true heart and faith. Therefore, he often made it as a friend to talk her Beloved in life. In one of the following sya'ir clearly illustrated how Love Rbi'ah to a friend and lover it: Thou overcome with friends talking in my heart, body kasarku'll talk with the seating. Jisimku'll mingle with my Lord, Fill my heart, You just keep it. According to the Sufis, the spiritual journey has come to maqam Rabi'a mahabbah and ma'rifat. However, before reaching the stage maqam, the Rabi'a advance beyond the other stages, such as repentance, patience and gratitude. These stages are in line with the realization he is beyond His love to God. But at a certain stage, Love Rabi'a to his Lord as if still not satisfied , despite witnessing the hijab has disibakkan. Therefore, Rabi'a incessantly begged her boyfriend so that he could continue to love Him and He also love him. This is in accordance with God's word: "He loves them and they love Him "(Surah 5: 59). In kegamangannya it, Rabi'a incessantly and bermunajat pray to God. Even in his prayer that he hoped to remain loving God to fulfill God's heart chamber. His prayer: My Lord, the night has passed and the day immediately manifest themselves. I'm nervous whether amalanku thank thee, until I feel happy, Or do you refuse to, so I feel sad, For the Most of Your power, this is what I would do. As long as you give me life, if you are expelled from Your front door, I will not go because of my love for you, have fulfilled my heart. Love for Rabi'a been entrancing herself until she had forgotten everything except God. But for Rabi'a, Love, of course, not a destination, but more than that Love is the road to immortality to God so that He now accepteth thy servant who loves Him. And with a road Love is also Rabi'a seeks for God's good pleasure to him and to practice good-deeds. expectancy is further away from His love to God was to make God closer to him, and then the Lord is able to open the veil of His goodness in the world and the Hereafter jugadi. He said, with a road Love is her hope that God shows a face that always missed. In sya'irnya Rabi'a says: I love You with two kinds of love, longing and love Love for You are worthy to beloved, With Love longing, kusibukan me to remember thy always, And no other than Thee. The Love for You are worthy to beloved, that's where you uncover thy veil, so I can look at you. However, there was no compliment in this or that, all the praise just for You in this or that. Abu Talib al-Makki in sya'ir comment above says, in Love missed it, Rabi'a have seen God and love Him by contemplating the essence of certainty, and not through other people's stories. Iatelah get certainty (assurance) in the form of grace and goodness of God to him. His love has been fused through a personal relationship, and he has been very close to him and flew out of the world This and busied himself only with his, leaving worldly except only to Him. Before that he still has a lust worldliness, but after looking at God, he uninstall these passions and he became whole in his heart and He is the only one he loves . God has memebaskan his heart from worldly desires, but only himself, and with this even though he still does not deserve to have love it and still not fit to be looked at God in the end, the hijab has been uncovered and he was in a glorious place. Her love for God does not require a reply from him, although he felt compelled to love Him. Al-Makki continued, to God, it is proper to show him mercy on this earth because of the prayers Rabi'a (which is when he crossed the street was ) and the grace of God it will appear also in the next (ie when the final objective had been achieved and he will see God's face without a veil, face to face). I have nothing more worthy of praise for him here or there later , because God himself who has brought in between two levels (the world and the Hereafter) (Abu Talib al-Makki, al-Qulub QUT, 1310 H, in MargaretSmith, 192cool. Rabi'a and the day of his death is told, has Rabi'a a period of life for approximately 90tahun. And during that time, he only serve God the Creator himself, until the angel Azrael pick him up. Of course, Rabi'a has also undergone periods in which God is always near dengannya.Para scholars who know close to Rabi'a said Rabi'a presence in the world until his return to the netherworld, was never the slightest hint of any desire but only ta'zhim (magnify) to Allah. He is also very little even ask his creatures. Various near-death story Rabi'a mentions, among them at the time of near-death Rabi'a, many religious people sit around it. Rabi'a then ask them: 'Get up and come out! Give way to janitor-messenger of Allah the Most Great! 'Then everybody got up and out, and by the time they closed the door, they heard the sound Rabi'a shahadah, after it heard a voice: "O soul calm, go back to your Lord, complacent-Be content with Him. So go with the group of My servants and enter into My Paradise. "(Qur'an 89:27-30). After that there was no longer any sound. By the time they re-entered the room Rabi'a, looking old woman old that has left the mortal nature. The doctor who was standing in front of him and sent for immediate Rabi'a body is washed, shrouded, disalatkan, and then laid in place of the eternal. Rabi'a death has made everyone who knew him almost takpercaya, that women It will soon leave the sacred nature fanadan encounter God whom she loved. The people lose Rabi'a, because he was the woman who during her life full of suffering, but never rely on humans. Everyone will surely remember Rabi'a, as Sufi has met with his Lord. Therefore, after the death of Rabi'a, someone then had memimpikanya. He told Rabi'a, "Tell me how are there and how you can get away from Munkar and Nakir?" Rabi'a replied, "They're coming approached me and asked, "Who is your Lord?" I say, "Come back and say to your Lord, thousands and thousands have your creation, you certainly will not forget in this feeble old women. I, who only has your world, never forget thy. Now, why have you had to ask, 'Who is your Lord?' "Though life lasts Rabiah like linear and constant, all the energy he devoted his life to love, Rabiah told us that life is not simple, as it dijalaninya.Hidup so complicated, sometimes there is intimacy and sometimes-kadangada kehidmatan reigns. Rabiah's death by leaving a takter Sufi experience up to. Wisdom is left is precious and we should explore as 'makrifat' lives. Rabi'a now gone. Women are the divine lover died for ever, and will return to live bersamaSang Beloved in His side.'s body disappeared into the rough earth, sacred tetapiruh fly with the Sufis, the guardian, and the lovers of the Divine. Rabi'a died in 135 Hijrah ie when he reaches 80 years . I hope God meridai, amen ...
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