Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Sign in Islam After Chatting On The Internet

Chatting is sometimes perceived as the habits of people who do not have a job and just sit - sit, but who would have thought it started with Moses, 16 who notes the Jewish religious bennya can find guidance from there. The following story details. . Musa Caplan full name. Was only 16 years old. Before embracing Islam, Moses was Jewish. His family was not from the traditional Jewish (orthodok). But he had learned from the followers of traditional religions. "I learned religion from Jewish groups Orthodok at the synagogue (Jewish house of worship-ed). Similarly, formal education in schools orthodok, "said Moses. Living in the Jewish community in the United States Orthodok, he seemed to "break" contacts with the outside world. Automatically at the time of Moses did not have non-Jewish friends at all. Through the assistance he internetlah mendapatkanbanyak friends, especially from Islamic circles. From the online discussion, she actually began to doubt with his religion and finally bersyahadah via the internet. Here's her story as told in the site Know Islam via the Internet "Lately, since the Internet knows, I so love to chat. From there can be contacts with various parties, tribes and religions, "he added. In fact, e-mail Musa began slowly filled by his friends who are Muslim. Since then he became interested and enthusiastic about studying Islam. "I put very special attention to Islam. We exchanged info about God, prophets, moral, and religious values. Slowly I've learned a lot about Islam. It turned out that Islam is a religion of peace. Likewise I could not get rid of bad image about Islam. For example when I heard there is a terrorist attack, just like the others, I pointed to Islamic extremists. "I'm Moses. Lucky he was to have an online acquaintance Muslim. "He who has opened the door of Islam to me." As a result he had so many questions to himself. Does Islam teach it (to kill innocent people)? He said the Prophet Mohammed was a great fighter and never kill innocent people. "From the discussions I'm sure Islam teaches respect, peace, and tolerance. There was never mentioned to kill people other than Islam. In the Qur'an there is one very valuable lesson and in its meaning: "To kill someone, the same as destroying the whole world." Moses, citing a verse of the Koran. Therefore, we determined (a law) for the Children of Israel that whoever kills a person, not because that person kills another person, or not do mischief on earth, it is as if he had killed all mankind. Whoever maintains the life of a human being, then as if he has maintained all human life. (Al-Ma'idah: 32) After making sure Islam is not a religion of war, Moses decided to study Islam more deeply. He actually found the doubts in their own religion. "For some reason my vision is perfect with the view of Islam. I suspect even the Old Testament, for example, has much changed. Modified solely for material interests. "" Other interesting things that took me more inclined to Islam is a scientific truth (scientific truth) that exist in the Qur'an. Scientific content of the Qur'an amazing. For example the Koran tells how human events that originated from human sperm. Kehifupan human origin, as told in the Quran was long before science discovered, "said Moses steady. "Al-Quran also states how the mountains formed and talk about the atmosphere! It's all just a few of so many scientific discoveries, which has existed in the Holy Qur'an 1400s of years ago long before the discoveries of science today. This is one of the key factors that menghantarku or find the truth in life, "he continued enthusiastically. Musa added that there are many websites (websites) that are very biased in interpreting certain verses. For example the verses of the "war". He said, most sites that take the phrase "war" is to make the opinion that Islam is religion of love to war. "This is not the case. In Arabic, the word Islam comes from the flesh, which means "peaceful or saved." I'm pretty sure Islam a religion of peace. "Not daring to leave prayer Given the very young age and lived in the neighborhood of the Jews, Moses faces many challenges. Especially from his family. "It's very difficult for them if they knew I had to change beliefs. Honestly, family and relatives all dear to me. What was their reaction when knowing her beloved son had converted to Islam? Therefore, while I can not freely show perfectly the life of Islam in daily life. But I give thanks to God, given the strength to be able to perform the prayers five times with the current. Special prayers I struggle to not leave, "said Moses. Interestingly, the procedure of worship in Islam, like prayer learned through chatting with fellow Muslims as well as browsing the Internet. "At least I can still maintain a belief in God. A few other things, physically, quite difficult to express in public. "Musa do not dare tell his parents that had embraced Islam. That's why he has not dared leave the house to go to mosque for prayers. As mentioned above, place of residence is Orthodox Jewish area and the mosque which is located too far away to his home. Because of a very young age, Moses is sometimes difficult to control his emotions. For example when arguing something about Muslims, say about the Middle East, his heart so easily popped. "When the discussion of all family members certainly support Israel. They do not know what the actual reality. Like the Palestinians, I think they should treat the people there as well. When my family talked about the situation there, especially when they mention "the Holy Land of the Jews" or "Land of Dreams", for some reason my heart is rejected and there is even a sense of anger. I am so easily offended. "I Moses at length. Difficult bersyahadah in the general public "I do not get a chance to say Shahadah with crowds witnessed. Even so I have been before the Supreme bersyahadah Watching, namely Allah. Later when I was mature enough and are considered to travel alone, so I intend to go to the mosque, God willing. The most important thing now is to improve the quality of self (faith), "he said. Secretly Moses even started preaching by inviting colleagues to abandon sepermainannya drinking, watching pornographic movies, stay away from drugs and also eliminates terkarang habit of stealing. But of course it was not easy. Moses tried as best he could. "Everything is in order and to God. I hope over time that there could do what God Maui from His servants. "Moses, uniquely, do not want to be called has found Islam or convert to Islam or have obtained after the bright light in the darkness. But he wants is said to have returned to Islam. May God lead him to the right path as Allah has guided us all. Amiin. Considered dead into his Islamic Jewish event indeed often make a scene. Most community and especially the family of the convert can not accept that. As a Jewish girl escape incidents recently in Yemen. Last known to the girls had embraced Islam. Reportedly there such an event has happened dozens of times. For such a case, then the family of the Jewish converts to do the ceremony of death and considers one of his family members have died, because out of the Jewish religion. Maryam Jamilah, author of the famous Muslim convert and an American Jew who converted to Islam in 1961, has experienced hard times after changing beliefs. Told at the time he was no longer considered by the members of his family. "My family was preparing an opinion that I was out (of Jews). I was warned, by embracing Islam my life would be difficult, because Islam is not part of America. It is said they, with air-Islam then I would be exiled from the family and society, "the story of women who have the original name was Margaret Marcus, as cited Islamreligion. "Honestly, at that time I have not been so robust in the face of attacks and pressure like that. Until fall ill. Bahjan I plan to quit college. For two years I was in the special medical care, "he continued. Mary began to come into contact with Islam when ten years old. One when he never said this. "Eight years in elementary school, then four years in high school and one year at the academy. I studied English, French, Spanish, Latin and Greek, Arithmetic, Geometry, Algebra, Biology, History of Europe and America, Music and Art, but I never knew who my God! "That's
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