Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Can be alone with Fiancé?

My question: does the approval and announcement can be viewed as a marriage according to Shari'ah, which means let me alone with my fiance woman. Please note that the conditions of today I have not been possible to carry out the ceremony and officially registered in marriage affairs office (KUA). . ANSWER Khitbah (woo, propose, engaged) by language, customs, and Personality, not a marriage. He was just a preamble (introduction) for marriage and the introduction there. . The whole book dictionary distinguish between the words "khitbah" (apply) and "zawaj" (married); customs also distinguish between the man who had proposed (engaged) with the already married; and shari'ah distinguish clearly between the two terms are . Therefore, khitbah no more than announce a desire to marry a particular woman, while zawaj (marriage) is aqad binding and strong agreement that has limits, conditions, rights, and certain consequences. Quran has revealed a second case, ie when discussing the death of her husband: "And there is no sin for you woo women (whose husbands have died and are still in 'iddah) it with sarcasm or you hide (the desire to marry them ) in your heart. He knows that you will mention them, in the meantime do not set up an appointment to marry them in secret, except just to say (to them) words that ma'ruf (good satire.) And do not ber'azam (bertetap liver) to beraqad marriage before it runs out 'iddahnya. "(Al Baqarah: 235) Khitbah, though nevertheless performed the ceremonies, it was more just to strengthen and memantapkannya only. And khitbah under any circumstances will not be able to provide any rights to the suitor, but only to deter other men to ask for her hand, as mentioned in the hadith: "There can be one of you proposes marriage proposal of his brother." (Muttafaq 'alaih) Therefore, the important and should be noted here that the woman who had spoken for dipinang or remains a foreigner (non-mahram) to the applicants so that established marriage (marriage contract) with him. The woman should not be invited to live in the same house (household) except after proper marriage ceremony conducted according to Islamic rules, 'and fundamental pillar in this agreement is the final offer and Kabul. Consent and the Kabul-pronunciation is the pronunciation (the sayings) of certain well-known in traditional and Personality '. During the ceremony - with the consent and Kabul - has not happened, then the marriage had not been realized and have not occurred, either by custom, Personality ', or the law. Women's fiancee still as a stranger to her suitor (applicants) who are not lawful for them to be alone and traveling alone with no one mahramnya like his father or his brother. According to the provisions of Personality, which has been known that the man who has married a woman and then leave (divorce) his wife was before he interfere, so he gave a dowry to his wife berkewaiiban half price. He said: "If you divorce your wives before you interfere with them, when in fact you have determined maharnya, then pay half of the dowry which you have set it, unless the wife-wives, that forgive or be forgiven by those who hold the marriage tie ... "(Al Baqarah: 237) As if the suitor to leave (divorce), female courtship, after dipinangnya, both the time interval was long or short, so he did not have anything except the obligation of moral and traditional punishment in the form of taunts and insults. If that is the situation, which may be the suitor would be allowed to do against female courtship, as allowed for people who have done the ceremony. Therefore, my advice to you his pen, he must immediately implement the marriage contract with her fiance's. If that is done, then all who asked earlier diperbolehkanlah. And if the condition is not possible, then it should he keep his heart to cling to religion and toughness as a man, to curb his passion and control it with piety. It's not good to start something beyond the lawful and unlawful conduct. I advise also to the father and the guardian to be aware of their daughters, do not be hasty in letting those who are already engaged. Therefore, those days are always changing and, as well as the human heart. Careless attitude at the beginning of a case may lead to a result of the bitter and bitter. Therefore, stop at the boundaries of God is the more appropriate action and more mainstream. "... Whoever violates the laws of God, they are the ones who zhalim." (Al Baqarah: 229) "And those who obey Allah and His Messenger, and fear Allah and fears Him, then they are who got the victory. "(An Nur: 52) Contemporary Edicts Dr. Yusuf Qaradawi echoes of Insanity Press Jln. North Kalibata II No. 84 Jakarta 12740 Tel. (021) 7984391-7984392-7988593 Fax. (021) 7984388 ISBN 979-561-276-X
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