Friday, April 8, 2011

Does A Honesty

Actually nature of the lie will take you to the evil, and evil deeds will lead to hell
In Islam, morality should not be released from the Aqeedah and Worship. If we take the example of fruit, fruit of course there are the seeds, and seeds that is the essence, the essence that is what is called doctrinal camps, where every home is happening in the life of a Muslim is because aqidah (as believe in Allah).
Aqidah will only be a nonsense if not followed by worship, so if there 0rang admit while not religious faith, the faith that people will be defeated by the devil, because the problem is not merely acknowledge the existence of God, because the devil also admitted the existence of God.
Devil to admit that he was created by Allah from fire, it means devil admits that he is God who creates. So essentially aqidah processed by the worship. If we confess our faith, love of God, love to the apostle while do not want to worship, it is an empty confession.
Indications point in aqeedah is seen from the skin (akhlaqnya). skin or outer appearance is morality. If skin (akhlaqnya) is not good then it's a sign of its contents (sound belief) is not good. Came a woman to the Prophet Muhammad, and says: he's got a female friend that great prayer, fasting strong, but yes shortcomings of Allah, when her mouth is open, it will be more ferocious than tigers. When his mouth open there's always that hurt, offend and hurt people's feelings. Conclusions expressed by the Prophet is the relationship between morality with worship. The conclusion was "he was in the fire of hell". This means, if akhlaqnya not true, then there is no means to worship a woman, because the true worship will bear true morality.
So morality is not a problem is fine, this is a serious problem concerning the religious and doctrinal camps. Prophet Muhammad never revealed three consecutive words "Laa yu'min" (not faith). The friend was amazed and asked the Prophet: "O Messenger of Allah who is it?". Prophet said "Whoever does not feel safe from his neighbors attitude and temperament." This discussion is not simple but involves a discussion of faith and worship.
When discussing the problem of morality, it should not be released to do with aqidah and worship. All humans in dunai purpose other than seeking reward from God of course is to worship and form Akhlaq. An example is the prayer. The purpose of prayer is to prevent from shameful and unjust deeds. If people continue to pray while not free from shameful and unjust deeds, as traders continue to trade but did not benefit as a goal (no goal). Likewise with fasting, zakat and hajj other devotions. Thus, all activities should be valued elements of worship must have the morality of any religious activity performed by human beings.
There is one very fundamental morality within Islam that is As Siddqi (honest), his opponent is al kadzibu (falsehood or lie). Prophet said: "every believer might just have a bad attitude. But that should not be is al kadzibu (lie) or al treasonous (treasonous). Come one to the prophet and said: "O Messenger of Allah, could a believer is a coward, maybe a believer that stingy?". Rasulullah replied: "maybe". Friend again asked: "Could someone believer al Kadzab (lie)? The Prophet replied: "No way". This means that minimum basic morality that we have a saying I believe in God is honest. Then if there is a believer but lie beyond the disbelievers, then this is what becomes our problem. Sometimes we often lie, but do not feel our faith is problematic. Thus, the nature of which must be possessed of a believer after vowing two sentences creed is to be honest.
If society is built on honesty, it will be wonderful and all will trust each other. If taken one example in the story at the time of the Messenger of Allah, there is a mosque which once had two so-called mosque kiblatain mecca, which is facing Qibla Al-Aqsa Mosque and the direction facing the Grand Mosque. When it comes down verse about the direction of the change orders to the Haram al-Aqsa Mosque, the Prophet sent his Companions ba'da dzuhur prayer to call to the mosques for change kiblatnya.
Mosque kiblatain formerly called mosques banu Salama. When delegates arrived at the mosque that the Prophet (Masjid Banu Salamah) of the Muslims when it is implementing a 'Asr prayer, then the messenger Prophet was shouting that direction we have passed (unchanged). If we imagine if the news that happens in the present or today? perhaps there are two possibilities, that is indifferent or perhaps prayer will be disbanded. But at that time because every believer is honest and never lie, then the congregation and its priest simultaneously move direction kiblatnya because of a ruling that mendengarpun believers and believers. But if now, it would feel bothered if you do not do the check and re-check. Because the hearing is often a lie and who pass a lie too often that eventually each other equally suudzan (berburuk thought). Today the gossip is another interesting news, and gossip is money and we are most pleased with the news itself was gossip.
Why can not we be honest? why we often lie?
We often difficult to receive news, because most of the news that circulated among us is not truth. At the present time the more "prejudiced" to others. At the time of the Prophet has ever happened prejudice, there is a man who walked with a woman in the dimly lit places. Then that person was clarified to the Prophet: "O Messenger of Allah, who runs it was me and isrteriku. Rasulullah said: "Do not put yourself in a place where people will berburuk thought to yourself". So it should be reciprocal, ie, we should not have thought berburuk to others and also may not make people berburuk thought to ourselves. This means that other people do not berburuk suspect to us, then we do not position ourselves in places where other people will berburuk suspect to us. Because often the prejudices like this, then most of us are prejudiced is not the truth. So one of which is prohibited by the Prophet was "qola waqila" (she says, she says). As a result of too much he said-she said finally a point is not discussed, even the news that A is true but people who come to Z.
Properties that are not favored by God is a lie, and loved by God's nature is to be honest.
Messenger of Allah said that was narrated by Aisha said that: "The nature of the hated by the Prophet is a lie". If there are people who lie once, it will not be lost in the memory of the Prophet until he repent. Why lie is very serious? and honesty are very important?. Honest is good door. Lying is the door of crime. That is, if we open the door of honesty, then that will go is all good. Seballiknya lie is evil door, which opened the door lies when it goes into the whole crime.
Messenger of Allah said:
"Mandatory for you to be honest, real honesty will bring you to the goodness and kindness will lead to heaven".
When a person is always honest and always tried to be honest, it will make him always be honest. Abu Bakr called "As Sidiq" because He is truly an honest person and always the first honest to the truth. When the prophet tells the story of Isra and Mi `raj, Abu Bakr did not even think about it may or may not be even if it is logically impossible, because the Messenger of Allah an honest then he said" yes you are right Messenger ".
If we try to be honest and true, God will make us righteous. Being a righteous man will not be comfortable if you lie. In the above hadith advanced
"Stay away from the nature of a lie (lie). Sesungguhnyua nature of the lie will take you to the evil, and evil deeds will lead to hell.
There was a man who came to the Prophet wanted to embrace Islam but he really likes commit adultery .. The issue was brought to a psychiatrist if the recipe might be a lot, but very short Prophet gave the recipe, which is not allowed to lie (lie). What adultery relationship with a lie? lying is the door, if the door is opened, then all the sins it will go, but if the lie is closed then all sins will not enter. This means that of all the evil that we do it because we often dare to lie and lie.
By: Marhadi Muhayar, Lc., M.A.