Saturday, April 2, 2011


 Once, a group of leaders of Quraysh mendahttp://www.islamave.comTangi Messenger of Allah, saying: "O Muhammad! Follow our religion, we undoubtedly will follow your religion. worship our gods for a year and we will worship the Lord in a year." Rasulullah replied: "I seek refuge in Allah from shirk. Hearing this answer, they do not give up, even offering ease with just asking him to admit the existence of their god:" Take some of our gods, surely we will believe in you and worship your Lord ". Then came a letter of "al-kafirs".
The next day, he went to the Grand Mosque. There, the leaders of Quraysh were gathered. Then the Prophet came and stood in their midst, then read the new revelation of receipt. Finally, the Quraish even despair. This event is mentioned in many books of commentary, such as Tafsir Imam Tabari (d. 310H), Ibn Kathir (d. 774H), al-Baghwi (d. 516H), al-allusions (d. 1270H), etc.. And none of the differences that contradictory interpretations among scholars in deciphering the meaning of the letter al-kafirs.
The attitude of rejection Prophet who did not "common" to offer a glimpse of the Quraish who seem "fair, neutral, pluralist and humanist" certainly is not easy and light. Instead, he shows a determination in carrying out God's Treatise. And if only the Prophet Muhammad accept their offer, they will give you all the properties owned and made him the richest man in Makkah, and lets him marry any woman who he Maui.
In addition, they also promise to comply faithfully to the rule of Allah as long as he wants to admit their god and did not bother her. They are convinced that this offer there is good (serious benefits), mutually beneficial and enjoyable for all concerned. (See Tafseer al-Tabari and Ma'alim Tanzil / al-Baghwi). So God was encouraging him, "Say:" Will you tell me to worship other than Allah, O my people that stupid? "(Qur'an 39:64)
Al-Qur'an categorize mindset "social gathering confidence," or in academic terms is known as the transcendent unity of religions as an act of ignorant people who are not knowledgeable. Islamic religion which is based on monotheism has its own characteristics and view of life that can not be equated with other religions. Ignorant not only those who empty of science, but also those who believe something is wrong. Ibn al-Qayyim in his book, "al-Salikin Madarij Tahzib", explains that ignorance is something that should be looked at either bad or perfect something that should be considered less. If ignorance is allowed to be maintained, it would result in injustice. Ibn al-Qayyim explains that the tyranny that means putting something disproportionately. As angry at something that should be given willingly and gave up when it should be mad, be patient in ignorance; hunks in field conditions; ff.
While the biggest injustice is shirk. That is an attitude that believed the existence of god but Allah, the same existence of absolute truth with the truth of God's religion, the belief that all religion is likened to a road which are equally valid to the same God. Shirk tradition like this would be a benchmark strangely tolerant and religious trends of modern society. Even the critical study of a religion or a belief that religion is true will be seen as an act of pluralistic intolerance and hatred. ( A national newspaper 3/11/2007 also lowered a surgical review of books on the theme: "Attitude Not Support Pluralism That Create New Terrorism"
Unfortunately, the application of academic ignorance would be encouraged through articles, books, seminars and lectures. Among the following: (a) "We can not say that (religion) that one is better than the other." See: Pluralist Islam: Equality Discourse of Faith. (B) "All religions were back to God. Islam, Hinduism , Buddhists, Christians, Jews, the return to Allah. " Subsequently reaffirmed: "It is the duty and authority of God to resolve differences between various religions. We must not take God to resolve differences of religion in any way, including with the fatwa." See: Islam and Pluralism. Although the author of the book banning berfatwa about religion, but he himself was also being berfatwa in equating all religions. Even when he was asked about who is eligible to go to heaven, he replied: "I so do not care whether he is Catholic, Christian, or Hindu. If morality, good works, I'll give all glory to him ". (Interview 10.10.2006,
Religious pluralism is actually a concept resulting from the political policy in mediating religious conflict and the conflict of religion in the West. With this concept, the religious leaders were forced to prove himself clear of the labels "not tolerant" and "narrow minded". So that they can be accepted in the postmodern world, where every belief must be based on relativism. Therefore, any claim based on scriptural truth, law and morality that have expired should be avoided. ( / religious-pluralism.htm)

In Indonesia, cross belief paradigm developed into Islam. Finally, many academics are talkative states: "Therefore, based on the results of studies in this book of various verses of the Koran, then virtually every religion can be said of al-Islam." (Tafseer Inclusive Meaning of Islam). In other books are also mentioned: "Up here, a true understanding of Islam must be understood in its generic sense, the attitude of surrender and submit to God Almighty. In this case, it is not too precise if Islam is limited only to religion brought by Prophet Muhammad PBUH . (Islamic School HMI)

Islam clearly distinguish between believers and infidels, monotheism and polytheism, guidance and misguidance, and forbids mixing between the right and falsehood. Differentiation of this identity does not prevent Muslims to establish muamalah, playing football together and do good to other faiths. Even Islam strictly forbids his people berate confidence unbelievers (Qur'an 6:108). The highest principle of tolerant Islam is being offered at the end of the letter al-kafirs: lakum dinukum waliya din ", if you deem it as a" religion ", then that is your affair, but we have a religion and way of life itself. Further, the letter al-kafirs is a shield the people from all forms of shirk and URLs of equivalent to a quarter of the Qur'an. Therefore, the Prophet taught us to always read it before heading to bed, in addition to other readings. Or are we still going to look for more ways to counter intolerance letter al-kafirs?

Available Islamia package containing 11 volumes (including the latest edition). Price USD. 200.000, - including postage via Pos Express / TIKI. Outer island of Java to Rp. 220,000, - via regular parcel post. Interested may contact 0217940381 SMS 087 878 ​​147 997.

* People of the Book: Past and Present
* Christian Batak According to Daniel Perret
* Ir. Muhaimin Iqbal: Keep Learning and Work
* Who are the People of the Book?
* Sheikh Nawawi al-Banteni about the People of the Book
* People of the Book According to Imam Shafi'i
* Islamize
* The Pope's Dark History
* President SBY and Ahmadiyya
* For Human Rights, Islamic Blaspheming!