Friday, April 8, 2011


Position and function of the Qur'anGod Almighty created man as His caliph on earth. In addition, He also gave supplies to man armed with a guide it in order to perform the task of the Caliphate, ie Al-Qur'an Al-Karim.Al-Quran is the guidance of human life as it navigates kekhalifahannya task on earth, as Allah says in surah Al-Baqarah verse 185. However, that is able to take it as a guide only people who are pious (see QS 2/Al-Baqarah: 2).
Ash-Shaheed Hasan Al-Banna once said that the attitude of most people in the current period against the book of Allah like the man who covered the darkness from all directions. Various systems have been bankrupt, society has been destroyed, nationalism has been falling. Every time people make a new system for themselves, the system immediately shattered. Today, people do not get a road other than pray, grieve, and cry. It is strange, because before they actually have the Quran, the light is perfect. (Hadeeth Tsulatsa/23-24)
"And thus have We revealed to you the revelation (Qur'an) by Our command. Previously, you is not know whether the Scripture (Qur'an), nor know what faith was, but We made the Qur'an is light, which we guided by him whom We will of Our servants. And thou indeed give clues to a Straight Path. "(Surah 26/Asy-Syu 'araa: 52)
In this verse Allah says the Qur'an as a spirit that serves to move something that is dead, melt kejumudan, and revived the spirit of the people so that he could perform the task kekhalifahannya best.
Interaction with the Al-Quran
Allah promises to those who interact with the Qur'an will get the glory. Allah says:
"Verily We have sent down unto you a book that contains the causes of glory for you. So if you do not understand? "(Surah 21 / Al-Anbiyaa: 10)
These interactions should be completed either tilawatan (mastered how to read in accordance with the rules of Tajweed and able to read it at the time of day or night), fahman (understands the content of the verses being read), practice (the ability to practice the Qur'an in the life / membumikan Al-Qur'an) and hifzhan (the ability to memorize the verse-by verse the Qur'an).
That's four forms of interaction desired Quran to every Muslim.
Efforts to build the spirit of the Quran for the cadres and tips-tricks
To be able to interact again with the Qur'an, it is necessary to re aware of our obligations in the face of the Qur'an.
Ash-Shaheed Hasan Al-Banna's Muslim reveals some obligation related to the Qur'an, namely:

1. A Muslim must have a genuine belief and strong that nothing can save us except the social system that collected and sourced from the book of Allah SWT. Any social system that does not refer to or are not based on the Quran will definitely reap failure.
2. The Muslims must make the book of God as a dear friend, my friend spoke, and teachers. We should read it. Do not let any day we've been through while we are not in a relationship with Allah through the Quran. Thus the state of our predecessors, the salaf. They are never satisfied with Al-Qur'anul Karim. They never left. They even devote time to it. Mengkhatamkannya Sunnah teaches us to not more than one month and not less than three days. Umar bin Abdul Aziz when preoccupied with affairs of the Muslims, he took the codex and read it even though only two or three verses. He said, "For I am not including those who make the Qur'an as something left behind."
3. When reading the Qur'an we must consider the adab-adab read it. Similarly, when we listen to the Quran must consider the adab-adabnya. Let us try to reflect on and immersed in it.
4. Once we believe that the Qur'an is the only savior, we must practice the laws, both in the individual level as well as the laws relating to society or the laws relating to the ruler.