Saturday, April 2, 2011

Meaning of Surah Al Fatihah

Meaning of Surah Al Fatihah

Surat Al Faatihah (Opening), which revealed in Mecca and consists of 7 verses is the first letter which is derived with full of letters that exist in the Qur'an and including class Makkiyyah letter. This letter is called Al Faatihah (Opening), because with this letter was opened and the beginning of the Koran. Umm called the Quran (Koran parent) or Umm al-Kitaab (parent of Al Kitaab) because he is the parent of all the contents of the Qur'an, and because it required reading in every prayer. Also Named As Sab'ul matsaany (seven who repeatedly) because of its verses seven and read over and over in prayer.
This letter contains some basic elements that reflect the entire contents of the Qur'an, namely:
1. Faith: Faith in the Almighty God contained in paragraph 2, which stated unequivocally that all praise and thanksgiving for a favor it for God, because God is the Creator and source of every blessing contained in this nature. Among the delights are: creating a delicious, delicious educate and grow, because the word in the sentence Rabbul Wed-'aalamiin not only mean God or Lord, but also implies that educate and foster tarbiyah. This shows that every blessing is seen by a person in himself and in all of this nature comes from God, because God is the Almighty's ruling of this nature. Education, preservation and Penumbuahn by God in nature, shall be considered by the human and deeply, so that the source of various kinds of knowledge that can add to the majesty of human faith and the glory of God, as well as useful to society. Therefore, faith (ketauhidan) is the main problem, then in surat Al Faatihah not sufficiently expressed by gesture alone, but confirmed and completed by paragraph 5, that is: wa na'budu Iyyaaka iyyaka nasta'iin (only you who we are worship, and unto thee we request was for help). Promise to reward good deeds and bad deeds threats.
What is meant by the Master of the Day of Judgement is the day that Allah is in power, everything submits to His greatness as he expects favors and fear of punishment. This implies a promise to give the reward of good deeds and bad deeds threats. Worship contained in paragraph 5 is intended solely to God, then look no. [6].
2. The laws: Road happiness and how it should be going down that road to gain happiness of the world and the hereafter. Purposes "Hidayah" here is the guidance that the cause of failure by the safety, happiness of the world and the hereafter, both are about the beliefs and morals, the laws and lessons.
3. The stories: Stories of the Prophets and the story of those who oppose God's first. Sebahagian of the verses of the Qur'an contains the stories of the Prophets and the story of those who formerly opposed. What is meant by people who were given favors in this paragraph, is the Prophets, the shiddieqiin (those who truly believe), syuhadaa '(people who die a martyr), shaalihiin (people who are pious). People who wrath and those who go astray, is the group that deviate from Islamic teachings.
Details of the above mentioned contained in the verses of Al Quran in the other letters.
Surat Al Fatihaah complements the basic elements of Islamic shariah, then explained the details of the verses of Al Quran is 113 the next letter.
This letter agreement with the surah Al-Baqarah and subsequent letters is the letter of Al Faatihah are discussion points that will be specified in surat Al-Baqarah and letters that followed.
Al Faatihah Dibahagian end of the letter I mentioned the petition in order to be instructed by God streets are straight, while the surah Al Baqarah began with the appointment of al-Kitaab (Al Quran) is quite perfect as a guideline towards the road which meant it.