Friday, April 8, 2011

Sincerity in charity

أشهد أن لا اله الا الله وحده لا شريك وأشهد أن محمدا عبده ورسوله اللهم صل على محمد وعلى آله وصحبه اجمعين أما بعد, فياأيها المسلمون أوصيكم وإياي بتقوى الله عز وجل والتمسك بهذا الدين تمسكا قويا. فقال الله تعالى في كتابه الكريم, أعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم "يا أيها الذين آمنوا اتقوا الله حق تقاته ولا تموتن إلا وأنتم مسلمون" - Ma'asyiral Muslims Rahimakumullah ..
Alhamdulilllah, praise we pray toward the presence of God Almighty that until today, God still gives us an opportunity to improve our devotion to Him, in the hope that hopefully all the shortcomings in the process of devotion was forgiven by Allah swt. Hopefully the momentum is also this Friday to give us more awareness of the increasing quality of our faith and piety to Him. Amen.
Truly this life is God created to test who among His servants are the most numerous and best charity. Charity is at the core of human existence in this world, without charity, the man will lose its function and its central role in establishing the caliphate and the Emirate. He said asserted purpose of human existence,
الذي خلق الموت والحياة ليبلوكم أيكم أحسن عملا وهو العزيز الغفور
"What makes the dead and alive, that He may test you, who among you a better charity. And He is Mighty, Forgiving. " (Al-Mulk: 2)
But at this stage of implementation, it was not enough just to do good only, because it is God's will that the selection of any charitable intentions and sincerity. Without a sincere, charitable person would be futile useless and is not seen at all by God Almighty.
Imam Al-Ghazali said, "Every man perish except the knowledgeable. The knowledgeable people will perish except those who labor (with knowledge). People who do charity also perish except those who are sincere (in charity). But sincere people also still need to be alert and careful in charity. " In this case, only people who are sincere charity that will receive virtue and a huge blessing, as guaranteed by God in His Word;
"But God's servants who cleaned up (to work with sincerity). They had obtained a certain provision, namely fruits. And they are the ones who glorified, in heaven-heaven of bliss ". (Ash-Shaaffat: 40-43)
Muslim Ma'asyiral RahimakumuLlah ...
Verse of primacy and security for people who work with this this should be our primary motivation in performing their duties and our daily work in any dimension and shape, both in the context of "hablum minaLlah or Hablum minannas" .. because the only people who will Mukhlis who will achieve great fortune in the Day of Resurrection, which is full of God's heaven with pleasure, although he had a lot of patience when the world's first. This verse is also one among the guarantees provided by God for people who Mukhlis.
Another assurance that God has in store for those who are sincere in charity can be found in the journey of Joseph as when he was confronted with a woman who took her to disobedience. That God will always maintain a servant who Mukhlis of indecency and immorality,
"Verily, the woman had intended (to do this thing) by Joseph, and he intends to (do well) with the woman if she did not see the sign (of) their Lord. Thus, for kemungkaran We turned from him and an abomination. Indeed Joseph was included slaves We are Mukhlis ". (Yusuf: 24).
In another verse, people who Mukhlis also get a guarantee will be spared the temptation and the devil persuasion. Devil himself admitted their helplessness and weakness in front of the people who labor with sincerity,
"He said:" My Lord, so you've decided that I go astray, surely I will make them look good (deeds ma'siat) in the earth, and surely I will mislead them all, except the servants of thine, Mukhlis in between them. "(Al-Hijr: 39-40).
By the same editors, this verse is repeated in sura Sad,
"He said:" By Thy power, I will mislead them all together, except Thy servants who Mukhlis between them ". (Shad: 82-83).
It fortress sincerity is the most sturdy fortress that is unshakable by any form of flattery and slander the devil and his allies.
Ma'asyiral Muslims RahimakumuLlah ...
In a review of science qira'at, qira'at scholars differ in reading the word "Al-Mukhlashin" which is at the end of the second verse. Most Qari 'read Al-Mukhlashin with maf'ul ism and others read by isim ficil Al-Mukhlishin. Imam Ibn Kathir, Abu Amr and Ibn Amir, read the entire sentence is in the Qur'an by reading "Al-Mukhlishin" which means: They are able to purify their religion and worship of all stains as opposed to the value of monotheism. While other scholars qira'at read Al-Mukhlashin which means: Those who are nurtured and receive taufik from God to have properties Ikhlas. Based on this qira'at, sincere and faith is an absolute gift of Allah to His servants who desired. But every servant commanded by God to always pay attention to and raise levels and tingkt sincerity in charity. Even God told us to imitate those who receive guidance for never expecting a reply from his credit except from God Almighty,
"Follow those who ask no reward thee, and they are the ones who receive guidance." (Yaasin: 21)
In principle, Islam regards sincerity as the foundation and a charitable spirit, whatever shape it for charity, including charity category Salih. Good deeds are done in the personal and collective scale (society, nation and state). Even the sincerity within the scope of the social collective was something heavy and require more patience. In this context, sincerity must be built on a reciprocal basis among all individuals in society and avoid jealousy and negative perceptions of each member. Similarly, the broader one's work area, the growing need for sincerity. Especially in the midst of increasingly diverse obstacles or examination that confronting sincerity, which in general is as stated by Shaykh Hasan al-Banna '(one of the scholars) in his treatise, namely: wealth, position, popularity, degree, want to always appear on the front and were given awards and praise, and so forth.
Muslim Ma'asyiral rahimakumuLlah ...
If sincerity is required of every person who labor, then according to Dr. Ali Abdul Halim Mahmud, the sincerity of a preacher is a necessity that must always accompany it because he will be faced with different circumstances and diverse human beings in the course of preaching. If not, then perish, and in vain to his credit. Even the fundamental nature of a preacher who must always melaziminya is sincere. Therefore, hadith scholars made Intentions chapter at the beginning of the book of hadith their composition, for the papers they always start with sincerity and not escape from these properties. You can imagine the scholars who are exemplary in performing good deeds, we pointed to always measure every charity that we do with the size of sincerity.
The prophets of God in their capacity as a preacher always makes sincerity as the jargon and principles of their mission. As an example of the Prophet Muhammad as the ultimate example in this case suggests about motivation in preaching,
"Say:" I do not ask reward to you in conveying the message of it, but (expect compliance with) the people who want to take the path to his Lord. " (Al-Furqan: 57)
With the same editor and in the same sura side by side, all the prophets of God emphasizes the principle of sincerity in their missionary ideal, from the prophet Noah, Hud, Salih, Lut and Syu'aib as.
"And I never asked for wage invitations you for it: my reward is only from the Lord of the Worlds". (Ash-Syu'ara ': 109, 127, 145, 164, 180).
This building has ever been demonstrated sincerity and exemplified the mission of the prophets of God Almighty, so that they achieve success and immortalized his name by God Almighty as a reflection of the preacher after them.
Muslim Ma'asyiral rhimakumuLlah ...
According to the language, in words sincere contained several meanings; clear, clean, pure from the mixture and pollution, both in material and non material. Opponents of sincerity is nifak and riya '. Messenger of Allah said about this noble trait in his saying, "Anyone whose main goal won the reward hereafter, Allah will make his fortune in his heart, will gather to him all its potential, and the world will come to him as he chased his own. Instead, whoever won the world's primary objective, Allah will make his poverty in front of his eyes, breaking all its potential, and the world will not come in person to him except by what has been destined for him. " (Tirmidhi).
In any circumstances, sincerity will remain the capital stock as well as steering charity Salih, much less charitable mission as the culmination of Salih. Because of increasingly heavy and noble a task would be increasingly needed sincerity. The more mature a person traveling and preaching experience, so should the better the level and quality of sincerity. Sincerity is also one of the two pillars and the requirement of receipt of charitable Salih, even his most important, as stated by Abdullah bin Al-Mubarak when interpreting the verse:
"What makes the dead and alive, that He may test you, who among you a better charity" (Al-Mulk: 2).
Without charitable person will be useless worthless. Therefore, with sincerity, a little charity would suffice as highlighted in a history of Ad-Dailami,
"أخلص العمل يجزيك القليل منه"
"Ikhlaslah you in charity, the charity is little enough that you do."
To be sincere can be maintained, of course there are variables attached to every charity that we do; among the variables of professionalism, competence, Itqan and earnestness. So that tends to charity as it is, haphazard, so long, "just" and the charity may be inconsistent because of lack ikhlasan us in this task. It's the toughest challenge for us really. Ikhlas is what will strengthen the potential of our spirituality. So our big question, "What is the spirit and motivation that drives the wheels of our charity for this? ...
Thus the sermon on the occasion of this day and time may be useful for us all.
بارك الله لى ولكم فى القرآن العظيم ونفعنى واياكم بما فيه من الايات والذكر الحكيم وتقبل الله منى ومنكم تلاوته انه هو السميع العليم