Saturday, April 2, 2011

Shalawat The Prophet

Shalawat The Prophet 

Shalawat Nabi
Science of Usul rules used to determine the desire or intention of an editorial that for lay people a little perplexing. For example, a word command (amr) or prohibition (Nahyu), will be able to translate its meaning if there are words that support the other word or words that would change the meaning of true meaning if linked to a state subject and the object in question. For example, the command (amar), which means: Guide to do a job from a higher to a lower (his position). A higher position in this case is God and the lower position is a human being (mukallaf). So Amr Allah is the command that must be done by human beings who mukallaf. For example: aqiimush shalata wa ... (Surat al-Baqara: 43). And be steadfast in prayer!
Amar that have provisions on which the decision or determination of law. The provisions of it then we are familiar with the term rule. Amar has a few rules:
1. The first rule: Al ashlu fil lil wujub amar. Meaning: amr basically it shows mandatory. Each amr or command it shows the law shall, unless there is evidence that shows the meaning other than mandatory.
2. Amr shows the meaning of the Sunnah / Nadb, such as the Word of God: You shall make an agreement (to redeem themselves) with them (slave), if you know there is goodness in them (Surah An Nur: 33)
3. Amr shows the meaning irsyad lil irsyad, or instructions, such as the Word of God; If you bermuamalah not in cash (debt) for the specified time, then let you write it (Surat al-Baqara: 282)
4. Amr show ibahah meaning, permissible as the word of God: and eat and drink until the white thread of light to you from the black thread of dawn (Surat al-Baqara: 187)
5. Amr show tahdid meaning (threat)
6. Amr refers to the meaning Ikram (glory).
7. Amr show on the meaning taskhir (insult), be ye apes, despised (QS.Al Baqaarah: 65)
8. Amr show ta'jiz (weaken)
9. Amr show on the meaning taswiyah (likening)
10. Amr show on the meaning of prayer, or petition as the Word of God: Our Lord, give us good in this world and good good in the Hereafter and save us from the torment of hell (Surat Al Baqarah 201)
Finally there is a show amr iltimas meaning, namely a call like the words to his peers kerjakalah ~ example: please get me that shirt, come dong kepesta my birthday .... Etc.
Returning to the issue of our discussion about blessings to the Prophet, which means pleading prayer of salvation, prosperity and blessings for Prophet Muhammad's lord. As the Word of God: Verily Allah and His angels bershalawat to the Prophet. O ye who believe! Bershalawatlah you to honor the Prophet and say hello to him (Surat al-Ahzab: 56)
Once we know the rules of usul fiqh above, that each word command is not necessarily set a legal obligation, could be a command word that means begging, asking, hints, suggestions, hopes, etc.
Let us now consider the letter of Al Ahzab: 56, about the blessings on the Prophet. In the verse there is a sentence that bershalawat God to the Prophet. Then the angels, and then God commands believers to bershalawat to the Prophet. Meaning blessings are prayers, give blessings, and worship.
Blessings of God to Muhammad, it means that God gives blessings, rewards, and the noble Prophet put his hand. Then the angel blessings to Muhammad: It is a greeting of respect for the appointment of the glory and the apostolate of Muhammad, as the veneration of angels to the Prophet Adam.
Because God always give blessings (blessing, glory, (greatness), the nation of Muhammad's only hope for eternal blessings of God that remains for him and his family, although blessings on those who believe there is no meaning for the prophet because he has been an outpouring of graces and blessings obtain it directly from God forever. Allah bershalawat (give salvation, blessing, reward, happiness) to Muhammad and his family ... (Surat al-Ahzab 56)
Note the word blessings of God to Muhammad in the paragraph above, how do you think that word means pray blessings, Is God would pray to Muhammad? to whom?
Said Al Hulaimi in Ash syu'ab he argued, the notion shallu alaihi ~ bershalawat was to him, is: ud'u rabbakum shalati alaihi bish .. seek ye to your Lord to bestow blessings on him.
Your tribute to the president that does not mean that the presidential privilege would increase or decrease if you do not respect it, because the position of president is the most honorable place in a country. As a people we ought respected and appreciated the president as Allah has glorified the person appointed as a presidential rank. Because that person will not become president without the help and love Him. To appreciate and be thankful that we have a president.
Your logic that says that where possible that people who suffer from a presidential order to raise the rank of the commander and his salary while we are still suffering from shortages.
After you read my description about the rules of usul, let's try to compare the meaning of words contained in the Quran commands that, when reading the verses do not understand the rule has the means to be ambiguous. For example, the command word that reads:
"Cor dammir man there is no ad-deen wa aka, O Allah destroy those who disturb you and that interfere with your religion.
Naafi'a shayyiba o God, O God derive useful rain (Surat al Adzkar: 81)
Rabbana aatina fid dunya hasanah wafil akhirati hasanah waqina adzabannar (Surat al-Baqara: 201) ~ O Allah, bring us good in this world, and good in the Hereafter
As what has been broken down above, that the word order or Amr generally a requirement of doing a job from a higher to a lower (its position)
But if you look at the shape that is in use redaction verses and hadiths above using the word commands, such as word dammir (destroy), shayyiba (rain down), atina fiddunya hasanah (bring us goodness) ... ...
If you see the general rules of usul in the above case, should a higher order low rank. But the paragraph above have used the word order from the bottom upwards (from slave to God). Will this mean God's reign? Of course not. But the verdict here is prayer.
Then compare it with the word which also means to pray blessings on or give a blessing. Are we going to give blessings to the Prophet who had tercurahkan from God Almighty? Do we also included ordering God to give blessings to the Prophet? Or did the Prophet take our blessings for him to receive grace from God. And Allah has guaranteed to heaven by God. Are we going to continue translating the word means prayer for blessings on the Prophet?
Well I will forward the understanding blessings by taking another meaning for it is clear understanding that the Prophet did not need blessings or prayer graces his community.
The Prophet said:
Whoever bershalawat me once, Allah bershalawat him ten times (Muslim from Abu Hurairah, Al Mirqah II: 5)

Behold the Lord God of hosts there are some angels who walk the earth was ruled to pay attention to state servants. They convey to me (the words of the prophet) will all greeting spoken by my ummah. (Narrated by Ahmad, An Nasaiy & Ad Damrimy Sharh Al Hishn, Al Mirqah II: 6)

Whoever bershalawat for me in the morning ten times and ten times the heart dipetang get on the day he syafaatku kiyamat (HR. At Thabrany Al-Jami ')

Humans are the most important to me on the day kiyamat, human is the most bershalawat me (HR At Thurmudzy)
The more light for us on the meaning of blessings on the above hadith, the Prophet did not need grace or prayer from us, but in fact the Prophet who will give help on the day kiyamat later when we often give greetings or blessings homage to him. And God also gave blessings to the people who bershalawat to the Prophet.
Hadith which says that: Any person who bershalawat me once, Allah bershalawat him ten times (Muslim from Abu Hurairah)
These hadiths that reinforce that God bershalawat to anyone, not only to the Prophet Abraham and Prophet Muhammad. To more specifically we note reading tahiyyat blessings in prayer. at tahiyyatul mubarakatush shalawatu thoyyibatulillah, Assalamu alaika ayyuhannabiyyu Warahmatullahi wabarakaatuh, asssalamu'alaina wa'ala ibaadillahish Righteous. Free translation: Yours sincerely, blessings, blessings on the best for God, salvation and upon you O prophet of mercy and blessing, too respectful greetings to the experts who worship deeds ... ..
Tahiyyat means respect and we bershalawat to God which means we worship God, then respect for the Prophet and the latter respect the people who are righteous .... That's the meaning of blessings, which the word can mean different if the placement of the word is different.
As I outlined above was, said the command does not have to mean rule of a higher to a lower, but said the order could mean beg, ask for help, advice, give khabar (such as advertising / promotion), insult, belittle, etc. explanation.
Thus the description of me, hopefully we are given the ease to understand. And I recommend and urge you, my brother who is studying religion ghirah be careful with religious doctrine that sometimes does not put the real meaning, so it does not describe it objectively according to the original word. not translated according to the desires and studied them.