Friday, April 8, 2011

Doing Due SIN

الحمد لله رب العالمين والعاقبة للمتقين ولا عدوان إلا على الظالمين
وأشهد أن لا إله إلاالله وحده لا شريك له رب العالمين وإله المرسلين وقيوم السموات والأرضين
وأشهد أن محمدا عبده ورسوله المبعوث بالكتاب المبين الفارق بين الهدى والضلال والغي والرشاد والشك واليقين
والصلاة والسلام على حبيبنا و شفيعنا محمد سيد المرسلين و إمام المهتدين و قائد المجاهدين وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين. أما بعد,
فياأيها المسلمون أوصيكم وإياي بتقوى الله عز وجل والتمسك بهذا الدين تمسكا قويا
فقال الله تعالى في كتابه الكريم, أعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم "يا أيها الذين آمنوا اتقوا الله حق تقاته ولا تموتن إلا وأنتم مسلمون"
قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم: «إن المؤمن إذا أذنب كانت نكتة سوداء فى قلبه فإن تاب ونزع واستغفر صقل قلبه فإن زاد زادت فذلك الران الذى ذكره الله فى كتابه (كلا بل ران على قلوبهم ما كانوا يكسبون)». - "A believer if you do a sin, then ternodalah senoktah his heart with a black color. If he repents and beristighfar, his heart will be pure white again. If coupled with other sins, that node also increases up to cover his heart. That's the rust that was mentioned God in verse, "By no (so), actually what they always try to shut their hearts." (HR Tarmidzi)
Ma'asyiral Muslims rahimakumullah ...
Do you know what consequences that befall all of us if we do sin? Ibn Qayyim Al-Jauziyah been researching about this. According to him, there are 22 because that will befall us. Therefore, renungkahlah, O men of understanding!
The first result is immoral will hinder us to gain knowledge (حرمان العلم)
Jama'ah who glorified God ....
Science is the light emitted into the liver. But know, disobedience in our hearts can be prevented and extinguished the light. Once when Imam Malik saw the intelligence and power of Imam Shafi'i memorize incredible. Imam Malik said, "I see God has been implied and provide light in your heart, O my son. Thou shalt not put out the light with the immoral. "
Look, my brother and gentlemen, Imam Malik showed us that science will be closed door of our hearts if we do sin.
The second result is immoral will hinder Rezeki ((حرمان الرزق
Ma'asyiral rahimakumullah Muslims ....
If piety is the cause of the arrival of sustenance, then left the piety means cause pauperism. Messenger of Allah. once said, "A servant is prevented from sustenance from the sin that done." (Narrated by Ahmad)
Because of that, my brother and gentlemen, we must believe that piety was the cause that will bring fortune and facilitate our sustenance. If today we feel how difficult it is to get sustenance of God, then leave disobedience! Do we fill our souls with the dust immoral.
Jama'ah who glorified God ....
The third result, make our sin is to God.
It is reported there is a man who complained to a discerning about the silence of his soul. The wise advised, "If aridity due to the sins of your heart, then leave it a sin. In our hearts, no matter who is more bitter than the aridity of sin upon sin. "
Due to the fourth sin is that we will have a distance with good people.
The more and more weight immoral that we do, will the further the distance we are with good people. It's our soul will be lonely. Silent. And our souls are barren without a touch of good people, will have an impact on our relationships with family, wife, children, and even their own conscience. A salaf said, 'I engage in immoral acts of God, then I see the effects on animal behavior (vehicle) and my wife. "
As a result of the fifth, immoral makes it hard all our affairs ((تعسير أموره
Ma'asyiral rahimakumullah Muslims ....
If piety can facilitate all matters, then disobedience will mempesulit all affairs culprit. Obedience is the light, while immoral is pitch black. Ibn Abbas r.a. said, "Verily, good deeds bring brightness to the face and the light at heart, body strength and love. Instead, it invites ketidakceriaan bad deeds on the face, the darkness in the tomb and in heart, body weakness, susutnya creatures sustenance and hatred. "
So, my brother, if we liked to engage in immoral acts, all of our affairs will be difficult because of all beings in the universe hates us. Water we drink, we drink is not pleased. The food we eat is not like we eat. People do not want to deal with us because of hate.
Jama'ah who glorified God ....
As a result of the sixth, immoral weaken the heart and body ((أن المعا صي توهن القلب و البدن
The power radiated from the power of a believer of his heart. If his heart is strong, the stronger the body. But the perpetrators of immoral, even though his body is strong, he's actually very weak. There is no strength in him.
O Brother, look at how the merging of physical strength and the hearts of the Muslims in the first generation itself. The friend managed to beat the physical strength of the Persians and the Roman army when the companions of war in a state of fasting!
Due to the seventh sin is that we are blocked to obey (حرمان الطاعة)
People who commit sin and immorality tend to not obey. People who do masiat like people one meal, but suffered a prolonged illness. Pain was prevented from eating other foods that are better. That's it. If we do masiat hobby, we are prevented to do obedience.
My brother who glorified God ....
Maksiat shorten life and remove blessing أن المعا صي تقصر العمر وبركتهThis is due to the eighth immoral. Basically, human age is calculated from the time of his life. In fact, there is no life unless the life is spent on obedience, worship, love and remembrance to Allah and seek His good pleasure.
If our current age of 40 years. Three per fourth we fill with the immoral. In the eyes of faith, our age no more than 10 years only. That 30 years is the futility and does not give a blessing at all. This short-age of the perpetrator immoral purposes.
Meanwhile, Imam Nawawi who was only given the age of 30 years by God Almighty. He was so long. For, although life is short but a blessing. Book Riyadhush Arbain Righteous and Hadith which he wrote and gave her blessing for longevity, as read by human beings from generation to generation until today and probably generations to come.
Ma'asyiral rahimakumullah Muslims ....
Due to the ninth, immoral grow other immoral ان المعاصي تزرع أمثالها))
A cleric salaf said, if a servant to do good, then it will encourage others to do good, and so on. And if a servant to do evil, then he would be inclined to do bad things that other so bad it became a habit for the perpetrators.
Therefore, be careful, brother. Never try sinner. You will be addicted and can not stop if it is a habit!
Maksiat deadly whisper of conscience (ضعف القلب)
This is due to the tenth sinner. Maksiat can weaken the heart of kindness. And vice versa, will strengthen the will for another sinner. Maksiat heart desires can decide to repent. This is what makes the biggest heart disease: we can not control our own liver. Our hearts go wild trail immoral immoral to another.
If you already like that, our hearts will see immoral so beautiful. Nothing bad at all ((أن ينسلخ من القلب إستقباحها
Jama'ah who glorified God ....
That is the result of his eleventh immoral. No more embarrassment when the sinner. If people are ordinary sinner, he is no longer looking at this thing as a bad thing. No more shame to do it. In fact, with pride he tells someone to detail all the sin that did. He has been treated lightly sin. Though sin is so great in the eyes of God Almighty.
The sinners who like it will be the inheritors of the people who never punished God Almighty.
This is due to the twelve that befall sinners. ميراث عن أمة من الأمم التي أهلكها الله
Homosexuality is immoral legacy as the people of Prophet Lut Fraudulent act by reducing the dose is immoral as relics of the Syu'aib Arrogance in the face of the earth and create a variety of damage are the property of Pharaoh and his nation. While the arrogant and cocky is a legacy of Hud as immoral
Thus, we can conclude that the perpetrators of immoral today are the inheritors of the previous race is an enemy of Allah swt. In the Musnad of Imam Ahmad from Ibn 'Umar mentioned that the Messenger of Allah. said, "Whoever imitates a people is he including the faction." Na'udzubillahi min dzalik! May we not one of them.
Ma'asyiral rahimakumullah Muslims ....
Due to the thirteenth sinner is immoral cause humiliation and bequeath kehinadinaan ((أن المعصية سبب لهوان العبد وسقوطه من عينه
Humiliation was none other than the result of immoral deeds to Allah so that Allah has also menghinakannya. "And he who despised God, then no one is glorifying it. Verily Allah do what He wills. "(Al-Hajj: 18). While it will give birth kehinadinaan disobedience. Because, that glory will only come from obedience to Allah swt. "He who wants the glory, the glory be to Allah that ...." (Al-Faathir: 10). A Salaf never prayed, "O Allah, give me glory through obedience to You, and Thou lowly-dinakan me because I was adulterous to You."
Due to the fourteenth, immoral destroy our sense ان المعاصي تفسد العقل))
My brother who glorified God ....
There's no way a healthy sense putting more despicable things. Ulama salaf said, if someone was still reasonable, common sense would prevent him from disobedience to God. He will be in the grip of God, while angels watch, and advice to prevent any Al-Qur'an, as well as the advice of faith. It is not someone doing immoral, unless their minds have been lost!
Due to the fifteenth, immoral closed hearts.
He said, "Absolutely not (so), actually what they always try to shut their hearts." (Al-Muthaffifiin: 14). Imam Hasan said it was a sin that layered sin. When sin and immorality have been piling up, then her heart had been closed.
Due to the sixteenth, vice principals have cursed the Prophet.
My brother and gentlemen, the Messenger of Allah. cursed immoral acts such as changing directions, but it is very important directions (Bukhari); perform homosexual acts (Muslim); resemble men for women and women resembling men, held a graft-manyuap (HR Tarmidzi) , and so forth. Therefore, leave all that!
Due to the seventeenth, immoral blocking intercession and Angel Messenger.
Except, for those who repent and return to the straight path. Allah swt. said, "(The angels) who bear the 'Throne and the angels who are around him celebrate their praise of their Lord and believe in Him and ask for forgiveness for those who believe as he said:' Our Lord, the grace and knowledge you include all something, give forgiveness to those who repent and follow Thy Path and guard them from the torment of hell-flame menyla. Our Lord, and insert them into the Gardens of Eternity which You have promised to them and people who are righteous d iantara their fathers, their wives, and all their descendants. Verily Thou art the Mighty, the Wise. And guard them from (reply) crime. "(Al-Mukmin: 7-9)
Due to the eighteenth, immoral eliminate embarrassment.
In fact, shame is the base of virtue. If shame had gone from us, they lost all the goodness of ourselves. Prophet said, "Shame it is entirely good. If you do not feel embarrassed, did according as you please. "(Narrated by Bukhari)
Ma'asyiral rahimakumullah Muslims ....
Due to the nineteenth, immoral that we are doing is a form of disparaging God.
If we do immoral, consciously or unconsciously, a sense to glorify God slowly vanished from our hearts. When we engage in immoral acts, we realize it or not, we have dismissed the adzab God. We ignore that Allah sees all our deeds. This truly incredible perfidy!
My brother who glorified God ....
Turned her attention to God's immoral for us. This is due to the twentieth.
God will let the people who constantly sinner friends with the devil. Allah says, "And do not like people who forget to God, then God made them forget to themselves. They are the ones who rebel. "(Al-Hasyir: 19)
Eliminate immoral pleasure and bring doom. This is due to the twenty-first.
Allah says, "And whatever misfortune that befall you, it is caused by the act of your own hands and God forgive most (from your mistakes)." (Ash-Shura: 30)
Ali r.a. said, "It's not disaster but fell through sin. And the disaster is not lost but because of repentance. "Therefore, is not now time for us to immediately repent and cease from all sin that we do?
And due to the latter, the second one-two, immoral turned ourselves from istiqamah attitude.
We live in this world is actually like a trader. And the astute trader would sell the goods to the buyer who could pay a high price. My brother, who can buy ourselves with the high prices other than Allah? It is Allah who could afford to pay us the eternal life of heaven. If someone sells him in exchange for the life of the mortal world, indeed it has been fooled!
Ma'asyiral rahimakumullah Muslims ....
Meditate! Think ...! May Allah protect us all from immoral acts. Amen.
بارك الله لنا ولكم في القرآن العظيم ونفعنا وإياكم بما فيه من الآيات و الذكرالحكيم فاستغفروا الله فإنه هو الغفور الرحيم