Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Marriage in Islam

Islam is a religion that syumul (universal). Religion that covers all facets of life. There is not a problem whatsoever, in this life, which is not explained. And there is no single problem that does not touch the Islamic values, although the problem seems small and trivial. That is Islam, the religion which gives a mercy to all the worlds.

On the issue of marriage, Islam has been talking a lot. From the start how the criteria for prospective candidates seeking support life, to how to treat it becomes official when the liver conditioning. Islam led him. Similarly, Islam teaches how to create a festive wedding, but still get the blessings and does not violate the guidance of the Sunnah Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, as well as the wedding simple yet full of charm. Islam teaches.

Marriage is the path most bermanfa'at and most Afdhal in an effort to realize and maintain the honor, because with this marriage a person can wake himself from what is forbidden of God. That's why the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam encouraged to speed up marriage, easier way for him and eliminate obstacles-obstacles.

Marriage is the way that nature could complete biological upheavals in human beings, for the sake of lifting the noble ideals which then crosses syar'i of the married couple to produce offspring, to the prosperity of the earth with his role has become more lively.

Through this brief treatise. You are invited to learn and explore the Islamic marriage procedure that is so full of nuance great nan. You will be encouraged to abandon the traditions of the past filled with ceremonies and customs that prolonged and exhausting.

Should we wallow in arrogance and rebellion just because a marriage ..?
Na'udzu billahi dzalik min.

Musta'an Allaah.


The issue of marriage was an issue that is always current and always interesting to talk about, because this issue is not only about nature and the livelihood of human rights but also to touch one of the sublime and the central institution of the household. Sublime, because this institution is a stronghold for the defense of human dignity and values ​​ahlaq noble and central.

Because it is a central institution for the birth and growth of the Children of Adam, which will have a key role in realizing peace and prosperity on this earth. According to Islam Children of Adam was the one who received the honor to bear the divine mandate as caliph on earth, as the word of Allah, the Exalted.

"It means: Remember when thy Lord said unto the angels:" Verily, I will make a caliph in the earth. " They say: "Why do you want to make (caliph) on Earth that people who will make mischief therein and shed blood, but we always celebrate with praise You and sanctify You?. He said: "Verily, I know what ye know not." (Al-Baqarah: 30).

Marriage is not a minor issue and trivial, but it is an important and big issue. 'Aqad marriage (marriage) is as a solid and sacred covenant (MITSAAQON GHOLIIDHOO), as the word of Allah, the Exalted.

"It means: How are you going to take it back, even though some of you have been hanging out (mixed) with another as husband and wife and their (your wives) have taken from you a strong covenant." (An-Nisaa ': 21).

Therefore, it is hoped all parties involved in it, especially the husband and wife, maintain and guard it seriously and fully responsible jawab.Agama Islam has provided a complete and detailed instructions on the issue of marriage. Starting from the suggestion married, how to choose an ideal mate, do khitbah (proposal), how to educate children, and provide a way out if there is chaos in the household, until the process nafaqah and estate, all governed by Islam in detail and detail.

Furthermore, to understand the Islamic concept of marriage, then the referral of the most valid and correct are the Qur'an and Sunnah Sahih (in accordance with the understanding salafus Salih-pen). With this reference we will find clarity on aspects of marriage or some irregularities and shifts in the value of marriage that occurred in our society.

Of course not all problems can be authors showcased in this paper, only a few issues that need to be discussed is about: Human Fitrah, Goal Marriage in Islam, Marriage Procedures and Deviations in Marriage.

Religion Islam is the religion fithrah, and man created by Allah Ta'ala match this nature, because it is Allaah commanded man exposes himself to the religion fithrah to prevent fraud and irregularities. So the man walked on the fithrahnya.

Marriage is the nature of humanity, therefore Islam advocate for marriage, because marriage is a gharizah insaniyah (humanitarian instinct.) If gharizah is not filled with a legitimate way of marriage, then he will find the streets are a lot of devil plunged into the dark valley.
Word of God Almighty.

"It means: So hadapkanlah straight to your face with religion (God), (remains of) nature of God who created man by nature is. No changes in the nature of God. (That's) the right religion, but most people do not know. " (Ar-Rum: 30).

A. NikahIslam Promotes Islam has made a valid marriage according to the Qur'an and Sunnah as the only means to meet the demands of a very basic human instinct, and the means to build an Islamic family. Award of Islam against the bonds of marriage at all, to the extent that the bond is set equal to half of religion. Anas bin Malik radliyallahu 'anhu said: "It has been said Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam:

"It means: Whoever got married, then he has completed half of his religion. And should he devoted to God in maintaining the other half. " (Hadith History Thabrani and Judge).

B. Islam Not Liking MembujangRasulullah sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam ordered to marry and prohibits harsh to people who do not want to get married. Anas bin Malik radliyallahu 'anhu said: "The Messenger sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam commanded us to marry and prohibits us celibacy with a hard ban." And he said:

"It means: Nikahilah woman who many children and loving. Because I will be proud with the number of my people before the Prophet later in the day of Judgement. " (Hadith History in shahihkan by Ahmad and Ibn Hibbaan).

Never one point three companions came to ask the wives of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam about worship him, then after described, each wanting to enhance their worship. One said: As for me, will be fasting all time without a break. And others say: As I would stay away from women, I will not marry forever .... When the case was heard by the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, he came out as he said:

"It means: Is it true you guys have said such and such, really for the sake of Allah, I am the worst fear and god-fearing of you. However, I fast and I break the fast, I pray and I sleep well and I also marry women. So anyone who does not like sunnahku, it does not include my lineage. " (Hadith Bukhari and Muslim History.)

People who have the intellect and bashirah will not want to plunge himself into the path error with celibate. Shaykh Muhammad Yusuf Hussain said: "Living a life of celibacy is dry and arid, life has no meaning and purpose. A life devoid of human virtue which is generally enforced on the basis of egoism and selfishness, and want to be separated from all liability ". People who are single are generally only live for himself. They are celibate together which is always raging passions, to the spiritual purity of spirit and become turbid. They always have in upheaval against nature, in spite of their faith to be reliable, but the upheavals that occur continuously over time will weaken the faith and resilience of life and damage the health and will take him to the valley of disgrace.

So people are reluctant to get married either male or female, they were actually classified as the most miserable person in life. They are people who at least enjoy the happiness of life, both are sensual and spiritual pleasure. Maybe they are rich, but they are poor from the bounty of God.

Islam denies the system the monk's because the system is contrary to human nature, and even attitudes that means against the sunnah and the nature of God Almighty which has been set for the creatures. Attitudes are reluctant to build because of fear of poor households is the attitude of the ignorant (stupid), because all the food has been arranged by God since humans are in nature's womb, and man can not menteorikan sustenance which God gave, for example, he said: "When I was living on their own salary I'm pretty, but if a wife is not enough! ".

These words are the words of vanity, as opposed to the revelations of Allah and the hadiths of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam. God commanded to marry, and if they are needy, Allah will help to provide sustenance to him. God promised a relief to the people who married, in his words:

"It means: And kawinkanlah people who alone among you and those who deserve (spouse) from the servants sahayamu that men and women. If they are poor, God will enable them with His grace. And Allah Area (giving him), the Knower ".
(An-Nur: 32).

Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam reinforces God's promise that with his saying:

"It means: There are three human groups are entitled God help them, which is a mujahid fi sabilillah, a servant who redeemed himself to be independent, and one who got married because he wanted to maintain his honor." (Hadith Ahmad History 2: 251, Nasa'i, Tirmidhi, Ibn Majah hadith No. 2518, and Judge 2: 160 of the companions of Abu Hurairah radliyallahu 'anhu).

The salafus-Salih highly recommend for their anti-marriage and celibacy, and do not like to linger live sendiri.Ibnu Mas'ud radliyallahu 'anhu once said: "If I was to stay ten days away, really I'd rather get married than I have to meet God as a bachelor. " (Ihya Ulumuddin and Tuhfatul 'flow of things. 20).

1. To Meet Demands Human Rights Instincts

In the previous paper [part two] we mentioned that marriage is a human nature, then a legitimate way to meet this need by aqad marriage (via ladder marriage), not by a very dirty disgusting as the ways people today with dating, cohabiting, prostitution, adultery, lesbian, gay, and others that have been distorted and forbidden by Islam.

2. To Fortifying Ahlak Yang Luhur

The main goal of marriage in Islam disyari'atkannya of which is to fortify the human dignity of gross and heinous deeds, which had been lowered and the lull of the sublime dignity of human beings. Islam regards marriage and family formation as a means efefktif to keep young men and women of the damage, and protect society from chaos. Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said:

"It means:" O young people! Whoever among you capable of wedlock, then nikahlah, because marriage is more lowered outlook, and further fortify the vulva (genitals). And whoever is unable, then let him fast (shaum), because shaum it can fortify itself ". (Hadith Sahih History Ahmad, Bukhari, Muslim, Tirmidhi, Nasa'i, Darimi, Ibn Jarud and Bayhaqi).

3. To Enforcing Households IslamiDalam Qur'an states that Islam justifies the existence of THALAQ (divorce), if the husband and wife are no longer able to enforce the limits of Allah, as the word of God in the following paragraph:

"It means: THALAQ (which can dirujuki) twice, after which it may refer again to the way ma'ruf or divorce with a fine. Not lawful for you to take back from something that you have given them, unless they worry will not be able to run the laws of God, there is no blame on either of them given by the wife pay to redeem himself. That the laws of God, then do not break them. Any person who violates the laws of God they are the ones who dhalim ". (Al-Baqarah: 229).

Namely they are not able to implement the shari'ah of Allah. And justified reconciliation (re-married again) when both are able to enforce the limits of Allah. As mentioned in surah Al-Baqarah verse above continued:

"It means: So if a husband menthalaqnya (THALAQ after the second), then the woman was not lawful for him to be married to another husband. Then if the other husband divorces, it is no sin for them (the first ex-husband and wife) to marry again, if they believe will be able to perform the commandments of God. That the laws of God, He explained to the people who (want) to know. " (Al-Baqarah: 230).

So a noble purpose of marriage is for husband and wife implement Islamic law in the household. Legal enforcement of the household based on Islamic shariah is MANDATORY. Therefore, every Muslim and Muslim women who want to build an Islamic household, then the teachings of Islam have given some criteria of an ideal potential partner:
a. Must Kafa'ah
b. Shalihah a. Kafa'ah According to Islamic Concept
The influence of materialism has a lot befall a parent. Not a few times now parents who have thought, that in looking for prospective mate her son and daughter, always consider the balance position, social status and descent only. While religious considerations received less attention. Problem Kufu '(equal, worth) is only measured through the course material.

According to Islam, Kafa'ah or similarity, equivalence or equality in marriage, it is considered very important because with the similarity between both husband and wife, then the effort to establish and build an Islamic household inysa God will be realized. But kafa'ah according to Islam is only measured by the quality of faith and taqwa and ahlaq a person, not a social status, descent and others. God looked at the degree of someone either Arab or non Arab, rich or poor. There is no difference from them except degrees taqwanya (Al-Hujuraat: 13).

"It means: O mankind, We created you from a male and a female and made you into nations and tribes that ye may know each other know. Indeed, the most honorable among you in Allah's sight are those of the most pious among you. Allah is Knower, Knowing. " (Al-Hujuraat: 13).

And they still sekufu 'and there is no obstacle for them to marry each other. Mandatory for parents, young men and women who still berfaham materialist and maintain their customs shall leave and return to the Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet who Saheeh. Word of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam:

"It means: The woman married for four things: Because of his wealth, for his descendants, because of her beauty, and because of his religion. Then let you select because of their religion (into-Islamannya), because if not, surely you will hurt. " (Hadith Bukhari Shahi History 6:123, Muslim 4:175).

b. Choosing Which Shalihah
People who want to marry a woman who must choose Shalihah and women should choose a man of deeds.
According to the Qur'an Shalihah women who are:

"It means: The woman who Shalihah who obey God is to maintain self again when her husband was not there, as God has kept (them)." (An-Nisaa: 34).

According to the Qur'an and the Sahih Al-Hadith among the characteristics of women who Shalihah is:

"Obey Allah, obey the Messenger, Wearing a headscarf which covers all of his private parts and not to show off beauty (tabarruj) as ignorant woman (Al-Ahzab: 32), not both-be a pair with men who are not mahram, obey to both the Parent in favor, obey their husbands and kind to neighbors and others. "

If these criteria are met Insha Allah Islamic households will materialize. In addition, the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam recommend to choose a woman who peranak and caring for the people to bear the next generation. 4. To Raise To Worship God

According to the Islamic concept, fully alive to worship God and do good to fellow humans. From this perspective, households are one of the fertile ground for worship and good deeds in addition to worship and charity, good deeds of others, to the extent to fuck wife-even including worship (alms).

Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said:

"It means: If you have intercourse with your wives, including alms!. Hear the words of the Prophet Companions astonishment and asked: "O Messenger of Allah, a husband who satisfy the lust lust of his wife will get a reward?" The Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam replied: "What do you think if they (the husband) has sex with other than his wife, would not they sin.? Answer the Companions: "Yeah, right." He said again: "So if they have intercourse with his wife (in a kosher), they will get the reward!". (Hadith Sahih Muslim History 3:82, Ahmad 5:1167-168 and Nasa'i with a sahih chain.)

5. To See The Descendants The marriage of which Salih goal is to preserve and develop the children of Adam, Allah says:

"It means: God has made from the selves you were a married couple and makes you than that ye wives, children and grandchildren, and give you the good fortune. So will they believe in a false and deny the favors of Allah? ". (An-Nahl: 72).

And above all else in marriage is not just a baby, but trying to find and establish a quality generation, is looking for a righteous son and devoted to Allah.Tentunya righteous offspring who will not be obtained but with proper Islamic education. We mention this because a lot of "Institute of Islamic Education", but the content and how un-Islamic. So many of us see the children of the Muslims do not have ahlaq Islami, caused by a wrong education. Therefore, a husband and wife are responsible to educate, teach, and guide her children on the right path.

About the purpose of marriage in Islam, Islam also considers that the establishment of the family as one way to realize the goals bigger covering various aspects of society based on Islam that will have a major influence and fundamental to the existence of Muslims and Muslims.


Islam has given a clear concept about marriage procedures based on the Qur'an and Sunnah that Saheeh (according to the understanding of the salafus Salih, eds), briefly mention the author and explain as necessary:

1. Khitbah (proposal)
A Muslim man who would marry a Muslim he should propose first, because it is possible he was dipinang by others, in this case Islam forbids a Muslim woman who was dipinang proposed by others (Muttafaq 'alayhi). In khitbah disunnahkan see the face that will dipinang (Hadith Sahih History Ahmad, Abu Dawud, Tirmidhi No. 1093 and Darimi).

2. Aqad Marriage
In aqad marriage there are some terms and obligations that must be met:
a. The presence of both consensual bride.
b. The existence of consent Qabul.
c. The existence of Mahar.
d. The existence of Guardians.
e. The existence of witnesses.

And according to the sunnah before marriage held aqad first sermon, called Khutbatun Marriage or Khutbatul urination.

3. Walimah
Walimatul 'urusy obligatory and this will be as simple as possible and in walimah should
invited the poor. Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said about inviting rich people just mean the food is bad-bad food.

Word of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam.

"It means: The worst food is the food in which only invites walimah rich people just to eat, while the poor are not invited. Anyone who did not attend the invitation walimah, he disobedience to Allah and His Messenger. " (Hadith Sahih Muslim History 4:154 and 7:262 Bayhaqi from Abu Hurayrah).

As a cautionary note should be invited to the righteous people, whether rich or poor, because there are words of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam:

"It means: Do you hang out but with those who believe and do not eat your food but the god-fearing people." (Hadith Sahih History Abu Dawood, Tirmidhi, Hakim 4:128 and 3:38 Ahmad from Abu Sa'eed).

PARTIAL diversion HAPPENS IN MARRIAGE THAT MUST be avoided / eliminated 1. Dating
Most people before marriage usually creates a "Dating" first, this is usually regarded as the introduction of individuals, or of courtship or regarded as a manifestation of the love of the opposite sex.

The existence of this presumption, then builds consensus among various parties together to
consider the date as something that is common and perfectly natural. This feeling is wrong and mistaken assumption. In dating it is definitely not inevitable from berintim-intimate two beings of different types, there occurs a touch of view of looking and touching, the obvious things is unlawful according to Islamic law.

Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said:

"It means: Never a man bersendirian with a woman but the woman was with mahramnya". (Hadith Sahih History Ahmad, Bukhari and Muslim).

So in Islam there is no opportunity for dating and dating is haraam. 2. Ring exchange
In the proposal there is usually a ring as a sign of the bond rate, this is not from Islam. (See Adabuz-Zafat, Nashiruddin Al-Bani)

3. Mahar High Demand
According to Islam the best dowry is a cheap and easy, not difficult or expensive. It's dowry was the right of women, but Islam prohibits suggested that simplify and high dowry demands.

The story of a woman's warning against 'Umar ibn al-Khattab that limit women's dowry, is the story wrong because history is very weak. (See Irwa'ul Ghalil 6, p.. 347-348).

4. Following Ceremony
Islamic teachings and rules should be higher than anything. Any events, ceremonies and customs that are contrary to Islam, then it is obligatory to be eliminated. Generally, Muslims in the way marriage is always raised and praised local customs, so that the sunnah-sunnah of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam was right and they have saheeh off and put out.

It is very ironic ...!. To those who still divinize customs ignorant and insulting the Islamic concept, meaning they do not believe in Islam.

Allaah says:

"It means: Do they want the legal ignorance, and (the law) who is better than (the law) of God to those who believe?". (Al-Maaidah: 50).

The people who are looking for concepts, regulations, and ordinances other than Islam, then it will not be accepted by God and later in the Hereafter they will be the ones who lose, as the word of Allah, the Exalted:

"It means: Any person who seeks a religion other than Islam, it occasionally will not be accepted (the religion) thereof, and in the Hereafter he is among those who lose." (Ali-Imran: 85).

5. Saying Greetings Ala. The Ignorance
The ignorant always use words Birafa 'Wal Banin, while congratulating the bride and groom. Speech Birafa 'Wal Banin (= hopefully bride cheap sustenance and many children) are forbidden by Islam.Dari Al-Hasan, that' Aqil ibn Abi Talib married to a woman from Jasyam. Guests congratulate the ignorant remark: Birafa 'Wal Banin. 'Aqil ibn Abi Talib forbade them, saying: "Do not you say so!. Because the Prophet shallallhu 'alaihi wa sallam forbade such a greeting. " The guest asked: "So what should we say, O Abu Zaid?".
'Aqil explains:

"Say: Barakallahu lakum wa Baraka 'Alaiykum" (= I hope God gives you blessings and bestow upon you blessings). That remark was told the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam. " (Hadith Sahih Ibn Abi Syaibah History, Darimi 2:134, Nasa'i, Ibn Majah, Ahmad 3:451, etc.).

Regular prayer Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam say to a bride is this:

"Baarakallahu baarakaa laka wa 'wa alaiyka jama'a baiynakumaa FII Khoir"

Benediction is based on the hadeeth narrated from Abu Hurairah:

'Meaning: From Abu Hurairah, that the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam if to congratulate a bride, he would like prayer: (Baarakallahu laka wabaraka 'alaiyka wa jama'a baiynakuma Khoir FII) = I hope God give you blessings, Easy May Allah pour out blessings upon you and hopefully you He unite both in goodness. " (Hadith Sahih Ahmad History 2:38, Tirmidhi, Darimi 2:134, 2:183 Hakim, Ibn Majah and Bayhaqi 7:148).

6. The presence Ikhtilath
Ikhtilath is the mixing of men and women until the happening of view looked at, touch touch, a handshake between men and women. According to Islam between bridegroom and women should be separated, so that what is mentioned above can be avoided all of them. 7. Other Violations
Other violations are often carried out among them is the frenetic music.


The ideal household according to the teachings of Islam is covered households Sakinah (tranquility of the soul), Mawaddah (of love) and Rahmah (mercy), Allah says:

"It means: And among His signs is that He created him for you wives from jenismu own, that you may live at ease with him. And He (also) have made of you (husband, wife) a sense of love and affection. Verily in this is truly there are signs for those who think ". (Ar-Rum: 21).

In an Islamic household, a husband and wife must each understand the shortcomings and
advantages, and must know all the rights and obligations as well as understand the duties and functions
each of which must be carried out with full responsibility jawab.Sehingga efforts to realize the marriage and households that got keridla'an God can be realized, but given the human condition that can not be separated from the weaknesses and shortcomings, while the test and trial always accompany human life , it is not uncommon for couples who originally lived quiet, peaceful and happy surprise hit "crisis" discord and strife.

When you have strived for peace, as mentioned in the Qur'an An-Nisaa letter: 34-35, but it still fails, then Islam gives a last resort, the "divorce".

Let us strive to melakasanakan marriage in Islam and foster an Islamic household, and we shall leave rules, ordinances, ceremonies and customs that are contrary to Islam.
The teachings of Islam-is the only true doctrine and diridlai by Allaah (Ali-Imran: 19).

"It means: Our Lord, anugrahkanlah to our wives and offspring who soothe our hearts, and we make the priest to the pious people." (Al-Furqaan: 74)

Amiin. Wallahu a'alam shawab bish.