Sunday, March 27, 2011

Content of Letter Yasin

Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds. Blessings and greetings to our Prophet Muhammad, his family and friends.

The letter, which was very ma'ruf in our midst is a letter Yasin. To the extent that some people had already memorized them because so often this letter read. But try asking how many people can understand the content of the letter. We are very interested to study verse by verse from him. Because quite a lot of important lessons about aqidah and other problems that we can actually dig the letter Yasin. Among them can be read in the following article.

Allah Ta'ala says:
"Verily, We bring people dead and We record what they have done and the scars they leave behind. And everything we collect in the book of the real parent (Lauh Mahfuz). "(Surah Yasin: 12)

Let's see what an important benefit of the verse is as described by the scholars expert commentary.

The first avail

God will bring a dead creature, which has become bones when doomsday later, when the Day of Resurrection. Allah Ta'ala says:
"Verily, We bring dead people." Ibn Kathir said, this happened on the Day of Judgement [1]. This means that on the Day of Resurrection all the dead will come back is turned. This verse is very light indicates the Day of Resurrection. This is the part that must be believed aqeedah a Muslim.

The second benefit

The above verse shows that Allah Ta'ala can not turn hearts anyone He wills including unbelievers who die by drowning himself in error. God can be guides them from straying into the path of guidance. As God said, after telling about the people who hard his heart,
"Know ye that Allah is turn on the earth after its death. Verily We have explained to you the signs (Us) that you think about it. "(Surat al-Hadid: 17) [2]

Previous Allah Ta'ala explains,
"And do not they like people who previously have been derived Al book at him, then pass, a long time for them and their hearts became hardened. And most of them are people who rebel. "(Surat al-Hadid: 16)

The third benefit

Allah will record any deeds that have been done [3], both good and bad [4]. As Allah Ta'ala says:
"And We wrote down what they have done"

Avail fourth

Regarding the verse,
"(And we write down what they have done) and the scars they left behind."

The definition of "traces they leave behind" There are three opinions among the expert commentary:

1. Former their footsteps. This opinion was chosen by Al-Hasan, Mujahid and Qotadah.
2. Step foot to pray Juma't. This opinion is elected by Anas bin Malik.
3. Former kejelekannya goodness and others follow. This opinion is chosen by Ibn 'Abbas, Sa'id bin Jubair, Al Faro', Ibn Az Qutaibah and Zujaj. [5]

Which showed that secondhand footsteps will be recorded, both steps in the goodness and badness is as explanation Qotadah (a tabi'in) mentioned in Tafseer Ibn Katheer. Qotadah rahimahullah said, "If God is unaware of human affairs, then of course the scars (goodness and badness) will be erased by the breeze. But Allah Ta'ala count all human deeds, as well as traces of their deeds. To the extent that Allaah will count the scars they practice both in obedience and in disobedience. Anyone who wants to note the former practice kindness, then do it. "[6] The purpose of this is delivered by Qotadah also delivered in some of them the following hadith.

From Jabir ibn 'Abdillah said, "Around the mosque there are several parcels of land that is still empty, the Bani Salamah initiative to move near the mosque. When this news reached the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam, he said," Apparently the news had reached me that you want to move near the mosque. "They replied," Yes O Messenger of Allah, we really wanted to like it. "He then said," O Bani Salamah, ordain you live in your house, because the steps you will note, ordain you stay at home you, for your steps will be recorded. "[7]

Mentioned in the Tafseer Ath Thobari a narrated from Abu Sa'eed al Khudri, he said,
'Bani Salamah in doubt because of circumstances where they lived far from the Prophet sallallaahu' alayhi wa sallam, then came down the verse (which means): "Verily, We bring people die and we recorded what they had done and the marks they left behind ". He said, "Keep you at your residence. Traces the steps you will be recorded. "[8]

This means that here, step into a mosque in the good deeds will be recorded, as well as step back from the mosque. When a person is studying, must climb the vehicle because it is so far the study, then the spinning wheel will be recorded as good as this is the former good deeds he did. Similarly, when someone must pay for their studies of teachers (masyaikh) abroad, then any effort to get there that he did, it would be recorded. Similarly tiredness in goodness, it would be recorded. What a gift of God Almighty. But we ourselves are actually not aware of this.

Similarly, ex-steps in doing disobedience would be recorded. When he was driving a car to get to the place of adultery and both with a girlfriend who is not lawful for him, a step toward the sinners are recorded. By knowing this, we should also not determined to perform immoral and sinful.

Avail fifth

As interpretations "traces of practice" is that the former goodness and badness of others to follow, it would be recorded. This means that if goodness we followed by others, then we will get the reward. Similarly, if the ugliness that we do is followed by others, then we will get a sin.

Theorem that supports this interpretation is the following hadiths,
"Whoever did some good deeds and diamalkan by people afterwards, it will be recorded for him rewards such as reward those who follow him and not the least will reduce the rewards they earn. Conversely, those who do evil deeds then a diamalkan by people afterwards, it will be noted for her sin of sins such as those who follow him, without prejudice to the slightest sin. "[9]

If science is useful followed by others, someone who spread the goodness that will get reward those who follow his kindness even though he has been in the grave. As stated in the hadeeth,
"If a man is dead, then the deeds will be closed except for three cases: shodaqoh jariyah, science is used, and who pray for her son Salih. "[10]

Therefore one should not underestimate the goodness to be conveyed to the other, let alone to which we submit is a useful science. Similarly, not until the spread of ugliness at all because if it is followed by others, then we too will get his sins. So this explanation explains the dangers of spreading shirk seseorng, heresy and immorality. May Allah give guidance.

Avail sixth

Everything will be recorded in Lauhul Mahfuz (the sheet that tejaga). This is what Allaah is mentioned,
"And all things We have collected in the book of a real parent (Lauh Mahfuzh)"

Every good and evil is done, it will be noted in Lauhul Mahfuz.

Avail seventh

"Imamul Mubin" is meant here is Ummul book (holding book). Similarly, mentioned in another verse,
"(Remember) a day (which in that day) We call each race with the leaders." (Surat al Isro ': 71). Intended dengahn leader here is the book of their deeds which testify to the evil and the good they do.

The purpose of the above verse same as the word of God in another verse,
"And the book gave an (calculation deeds respectively) and are brought the Prophets and the witnesses." (Surah Az Zumar: 69)
"And diletakkanlah Book, then you will see those guilty of the fear of what is (written) in it, and they say:" Oh woe We, the book Is this who do not leave small and not (too) are great, but he record everything, and they found what they are doing there (in writing). and your God does not persecute a juapun "." (Surat al-Kahf: 49) [11]

Alhamdulillah, this short verse we can dig avail-avail incredible. Hopefully this presentation useful. It was delicious, if we continue to explore the avail-avail precious than any verses of the Qur'an we read.

Alhamdulillahilladzi bi ni'matihi tatimmush sholihaat.


[1] Tafsir Al-Quran Al 'Azhim, Ibn Kathir, Muasasah Qurthubah, 11/347.

[2] Idem.

[3] Idem.

[4] See Ath Thobari Tafsir, Ibn Jarir Ath Thobari, 20/497; Zaadul Masiir, Ibn al-Jawzi, Al Maktab Al Islami, 9 / 8; Ma'alimut Tanzil, Al Baghowi, Dar Thoyyibah, 7 / 9; Fathul Qadir, Muhammad ibn 'Ali Asy Syaukani, Mawqi' At Tafasir, 6 / 153

[5] Zaadul Masiir, 9/8-9.

[6] Tafsir Al-Quran Al 'Azhim, 11/348.

[7] HR. Muslim, no. 665.

[8] Ath Thobari Tafsir, 20/498.

[9] HR. Muslim, no. 1017

[10] HR. An Nasai no. 3651 and At-Tirmidhi no. 1376. Shaykh Al-Albani said that this hadeeth saheeh.

[11] Tafsir Al-Quran Al 'Azhim, 11/350-351.