Friday, April 8, 2011

Doing Due SIN

الحمد لله رب العالمين والعاقبة للمتقين ولا عدوان إلا على الظالمين
وأشهد أن لا إله إلاالله وحده لا شريك له رب العالمين وإله المرسلين وقيوم السموات والأرضين
وأشهد أن محمدا عبده ورسوله المبعوث بالكتاب المبين الفارق بين الهدى والضلال والغي والرشاد والشك واليقين
والصلاة والسلام على حبيبنا و شفيعنا محمد سيد المرسلين و إمام المهتدين و قائد المجاهدين وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين. أما بعد,
فياأيها المسلمون أوصيكم وإياي بتقوى الله عز وجل والتمسك بهذا الدين تمسكا قويا
فقال الله تعالى في كتابه الكريم, أعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم "يا أيها الذين آمنوا اتقوا الله حق تقاته ولا تموتن إلا وأنتم مسلمون"
قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم: «إن المؤمن إذا أذنب كانت نكتة سوداء فى قلبه فإن تاب ونزع واستغفر صقل قلبه فإن زاد زادت فذلك الران الذى ذكره الله فى كتابه (كلا بل ران على قلوبهم ما كانوا يكسبون)». - "A believer if you do a sin, then ternodalah senoktah his heart with a black color. If he repents and beristighfar, his heart will be pure white again. If coupled with other sins, that node also increases up to cover his heart. That's the rust that was mentioned God in verse, "By no (so), actually what they always try to shut their hearts." (HR Tarmidzi)
Ma'asyiral Muslims rahimakumullah ...
Do you know what consequences that befall all of us if we do sin? Ibn Qayyim Al-Jauziyah been researching about this. According to him, there are 22 because that will befall us. Therefore, renungkahlah, O men of understanding!
The first result is immoral will hinder us to gain knowledge (حرمان العلم)
Jama'ah who glorified God ....
Science is the light emitted into the liver. But know, disobedience in our hearts can be prevented and extinguished the light. Once when Imam Malik saw the intelligence and power of Imam Shafi'i memorize incredible. Imam Malik said, "I see God has been implied and provide light in your heart, O my son. Thou shalt not put out the light with the immoral. "
Look, my brother and gentlemen, Imam Malik showed us that science will be closed door of our hearts if we do sin.
The second result is immoral will hinder Rezeki ((حرمان الرزق
Ma'asyiral rahimakumullah Muslims ....
If piety is the cause of the arrival of sustenance, then left the piety means cause pauperism. Messenger of Allah. once said, "A servant is prevented from sustenance from the sin that done." (Narrated by Ahmad)
Because of that, my brother and gentlemen, we must believe that piety was the cause that will bring fortune and facilitate our sustenance. If today we feel how difficult it is to get sustenance of God, then leave disobedience! Do we fill our souls with the dust immoral.
Jama'ah who glorified God ....
The third result, make our sin is to God.
It is reported there is a man who complained to a discerning about the silence of his soul. The wise advised, "If aridity due to the sins of your heart, then leave it a sin. In our hearts, no matter who is more bitter than the aridity of sin upon sin. "
Due to the fourth sin is that we will have a distance with good people.
The more and more weight immoral that we do, will the further the distance we are with good people. It's our soul will be lonely. Silent. And our souls are barren without a touch of good people, will have an impact on our relationships with family, wife, children, and even their own conscience. A salaf said, 'I engage in immoral acts of God, then I see the effects on animal behavior (vehicle) and my wife. "
As a result of the fifth, immoral makes it hard all our affairs ((تعسير أموره
Ma'asyiral rahimakumullah Muslims ....
If piety can facilitate all matters, then disobedience will mempesulit all affairs culprit. Obedience is the light, while immoral is pitch black. Ibn Abbas r.a. said, "Verily, good deeds bring brightness to the face and the light at heart, body strength and love. Instead, it invites ketidakceriaan bad deeds on the face, the darkness in the tomb and in heart, body weakness, susutnya creatures sustenance and hatred. "
So, my brother, if we liked to engage in immoral acts, all of our affairs will be difficult because of all beings in the universe hates us. Water we drink, we drink is not pleased. The food we eat is not like we eat. People do not want to deal with us because of hate.
Jama'ah who glorified God ....
As a result of the sixth, immoral weaken the heart and body ((أن المعا صي توهن القلب و البدن
The power radiated from the power of a believer of his heart. If his heart is strong, the stronger the body. But the perpetrators of immoral, even though his body is strong, he's actually very weak. There is no strength in him.
O Brother, look at how the merging of physical strength and the hearts of the Muslims in the first generation itself. The friend managed to beat the physical strength of the Persians and the Roman army when the companions of war in a state of fasting!
Due to the seventh sin is that we are blocked to obey (حرمان الطاعة)
People who commit sin and immorality tend to not obey. People who do masiat like people one meal, but suffered a prolonged illness. Pain was prevented from eating other foods that are better. That's it. If we do masiat hobby, we are prevented to do obedience.
My brother who glorified God ....
Maksiat shorten life and remove blessing أن المعا صي تقصر العمر وبركتهThis is due to the eighth immoral. Basically, human age is calculated from the time of his life. In fact, there is no life unless the life is spent on obedience, worship, love and remembrance to Allah and seek His good pleasure.
If our current age of 40 years. Three per fourth we fill with the immoral. In the eyes of faith, our age no more than 10 years only. That 30 years is the futility and does not give a blessing at all. This short-age of the perpetrator immoral purposes.
Meanwhile, Imam Nawawi who was only given the age of 30 years by God Almighty. He was so long. For, although life is short but a blessing. Book Riyadhush Arbain Righteous and Hadith which he wrote and gave her blessing for longevity, as read by human beings from generation to generation until today and probably generations to come.
Ma'asyiral rahimakumullah Muslims ....
Due to the ninth, immoral grow other immoral ان المعاصي تزرع أمثالها))
A cleric salaf said, if a servant to do good, then it will encourage others to do good, and so on. And if a servant to do evil, then he would be inclined to do bad things that other so bad it became a habit for the perpetrators.
Therefore, be careful, brother. Never try sinner. You will be addicted and can not stop if it is a habit!
Maksiat deadly whisper of conscience (ضعف القلب)
This is due to the tenth sinner. Maksiat can weaken the heart of kindness. And vice versa, will strengthen the will for another sinner. Maksiat heart desires can decide to repent. This is what makes the biggest heart disease: we can not control our own liver. Our hearts go wild trail immoral immoral to another.
If you already like that, our hearts will see immoral so beautiful. Nothing bad at all ((أن ينسلخ من القلب إستقباحها
Jama'ah who glorified God ....
That is the result of his eleventh immoral. No more embarrassment when the sinner. If people are ordinary sinner, he is no longer looking at this thing as a bad thing. No more shame to do it. In fact, with pride he tells someone to detail all the sin that did. He has been treated lightly sin. Though sin is so great in the eyes of God Almighty.
The sinners who like it will be the inheritors of the people who never punished God Almighty.
This is due to the twelve that befall sinners. ميراث عن أمة من الأمم التي أهلكها الله
Homosexuality is immoral legacy as the people of Prophet Lut Fraudulent act by reducing the dose is immoral as relics of the Syu'aib Arrogance in the face of the earth and create a variety of damage are the property of Pharaoh and his nation. While the arrogant and cocky is a legacy of Hud as immoral
Thus, we can conclude that the perpetrators of immoral today are the inheritors of the previous race is an enemy of Allah swt. In the Musnad of Imam Ahmad from Ibn 'Umar mentioned that the Messenger of Allah. said, "Whoever imitates a people is he including the faction." Na'udzubillahi min dzalik! May we not one of them.
Ma'asyiral rahimakumullah Muslims ....
Due to the thirteenth sinner is immoral cause humiliation and bequeath kehinadinaan ((أن المعصية سبب لهوان العبد وسقوطه من عينه
Humiliation was none other than the result of immoral deeds to Allah so that Allah has also menghinakannya. "And he who despised God, then no one is glorifying it. Verily Allah do what He wills. "(Al-Hajj: 18). While it will give birth kehinadinaan disobedience. Because, that glory will only come from obedience to Allah swt. "He who wants the glory, the glory be to Allah that ...." (Al-Faathir: 10). A Salaf never prayed, "O Allah, give me glory through obedience to You, and Thou lowly-dinakan me because I was adulterous to You."
Due to the fourteenth, immoral destroy our sense ان المعاصي تفسد العقل))
My brother who glorified God ....
There's no way a healthy sense putting more despicable things. Ulama salaf said, if someone was still reasonable, common sense would prevent him from disobedience to God. He will be in the grip of God, while angels watch, and advice to prevent any Al-Qur'an, as well as the advice of faith. It is not someone doing immoral, unless their minds have been lost!
Due to the fifteenth, immoral closed hearts.
He said, "Absolutely not (so), actually what they always try to shut their hearts." (Al-Muthaffifiin: 14). Imam Hasan said it was a sin that layered sin. When sin and immorality have been piling up, then her heart had been closed.
Due to the sixteenth, vice principals have cursed the Prophet.
My brother and gentlemen, the Messenger of Allah. cursed immoral acts such as changing directions, but it is very important directions (Bukhari); perform homosexual acts (Muslim); resemble men for women and women resembling men, held a graft-manyuap (HR Tarmidzi) , and so forth. Therefore, leave all that!
Due to the seventeenth, immoral blocking intercession and Angel Messenger.
Except, for those who repent and return to the straight path. Allah swt. said, "(The angels) who bear the 'Throne and the angels who are around him celebrate their praise of their Lord and believe in Him and ask for forgiveness for those who believe as he said:' Our Lord, the grace and knowledge you include all something, give forgiveness to those who repent and follow Thy Path and guard them from the torment of hell-flame menyla. Our Lord, and insert them into the Gardens of Eternity which You have promised to them and people who are righteous d iantara their fathers, their wives, and all their descendants. Verily Thou art the Mighty, the Wise. And guard them from (reply) crime. "(Al-Mukmin: 7-9)
Due to the eighteenth, immoral eliminate embarrassment.
In fact, shame is the base of virtue. If shame had gone from us, they lost all the goodness of ourselves. Prophet said, "Shame it is entirely good. If you do not feel embarrassed, did according as you please. "(Narrated by Bukhari)
Ma'asyiral rahimakumullah Muslims ....
Due to the nineteenth, immoral that we are doing is a form of disparaging God.
If we do immoral, consciously or unconsciously, a sense to glorify God slowly vanished from our hearts. When we engage in immoral acts, we realize it or not, we have dismissed the adzab God. We ignore that Allah sees all our deeds. This truly incredible perfidy!
My brother who glorified God ....
Turned her attention to God's immoral for us. This is due to the twentieth.
God will let the people who constantly sinner friends with the devil. Allah says, "And do not like people who forget to God, then God made them forget to themselves. They are the ones who rebel. "(Al-Hasyir: 19)
Eliminate immoral pleasure and bring doom. This is due to the twenty-first.
Allah says, "And whatever misfortune that befall you, it is caused by the act of your own hands and God forgive most (from your mistakes)." (Ash-Shura: 30)
Ali r.a. said, "It's not disaster but fell through sin. And the disaster is not lost but because of repentance. "Therefore, is not now time for us to immediately repent and cease from all sin that we do?
And due to the latter, the second one-two, immoral turned ourselves from istiqamah attitude.
We live in this world is actually like a trader. And the astute trader would sell the goods to the buyer who could pay a high price. My brother, who can buy ourselves with the high prices other than Allah? It is Allah who could afford to pay us the eternal life of heaven. If someone sells him in exchange for the life of the mortal world, indeed it has been fooled!
Ma'asyiral rahimakumullah Muslims ....
Meditate! Think ...! May Allah protect us all from immoral acts. Amen.
بارك الله لنا ولكم في القرآن العظيم ونفعنا وإياكم بما فيه من الآيات و الذكرالحكيم فاستغفروا الله فإنه هو الغفور الرحيم

Does A Honesty

Actually nature of the lie will take you to the evil, and evil deeds will lead to hell
In Islam, morality should not be released from the Aqeedah and Worship. If we take the example of fruit, fruit of course there are the seeds, and seeds that is the essence, the essence that is what is called doctrinal camps, where every home is happening in the life of a Muslim is because aqidah (as believe in Allah).
Aqidah will only be a nonsense if not followed by worship, so if there 0rang admit while not religious faith, the faith that people will be defeated by the devil, because the problem is not merely acknowledge the existence of God, because the devil also admitted the existence of God.
Devil to admit that he was created by Allah from fire, it means devil admits that he is God who creates. So essentially aqidah processed by the worship. If we confess our faith, love of God, love to the apostle while do not want to worship, it is an empty confession.
Indications point in aqeedah is seen from the skin (akhlaqnya). skin or outer appearance is morality. If skin (akhlaqnya) is not good then it's a sign of its contents (sound belief) is not good. Came a woman to the Prophet Muhammad, and says: he's got a female friend that great prayer, fasting strong, but yes shortcomings of Allah, when her mouth is open, it will be more ferocious than tigers. When his mouth open there's always that hurt, offend and hurt people's feelings. Conclusions expressed by the Prophet is the relationship between morality with worship. The conclusion was "he was in the fire of hell". This means, if akhlaqnya not true, then there is no means to worship a woman, because the true worship will bear true morality.
So morality is not a problem is fine, this is a serious problem concerning the religious and doctrinal camps. Prophet Muhammad never revealed three consecutive words "Laa yu'min" (not faith). The friend was amazed and asked the Prophet: "O Messenger of Allah who is it?". Prophet said "Whoever does not feel safe from his neighbors attitude and temperament." This discussion is not simple but involves a discussion of faith and worship.
When discussing the problem of morality, it should not be released to do with aqidah and worship. All humans in dunai purpose other than seeking reward from God of course is to worship and form Akhlaq. An example is the prayer. The purpose of prayer is to prevent from shameful and unjust deeds. If people continue to pray while not free from shameful and unjust deeds, as traders continue to trade but did not benefit as a goal (no goal). Likewise with fasting, zakat and hajj other devotions. Thus, all activities should be valued elements of worship must have the morality of any religious activity performed by human beings.
There is one very fundamental morality within Islam that is As Siddqi (honest), his opponent is al kadzibu (falsehood or lie). Prophet said: "every believer might just have a bad attitude. But that should not be is al kadzibu (lie) or al treasonous (treasonous). Come one to the prophet and said: "O Messenger of Allah, could a believer is a coward, maybe a believer that stingy?". Rasulullah replied: "maybe". Friend again asked: "Could someone believer al Kadzab (lie)? The Prophet replied: "No way". This means that minimum basic morality that we have a saying I believe in God is honest. Then if there is a believer but lie beyond the disbelievers, then this is what becomes our problem. Sometimes we often lie, but do not feel our faith is problematic. Thus, the nature of which must be possessed of a believer after vowing two sentences creed is to be honest.
If society is built on honesty, it will be wonderful and all will trust each other. If taken one example in the story at the time of the Messenger of Allah, there is a mosque which once had two so-called mosque kiblatain mecca, which is facing Qibla Al-Aqsa Mosque and the direction facing the Grand Mosque. When it comes down verse about the direction of the change orders to the Haram al-Aqsa Mosque, the Prophet sent his Companions ba'da dzuhur prayer to call to the mosques for change kiblatnya.
Mosque kiblatain formerly called mosques banu Salama. When delegates arrived at the mosque that the Prophet (Masjid Banu Salamah) of the Muslims when it is implementing a 'Asr prayer, then the messenger Prophet was shouting that direction we have passed (unchanged). If we imagine if the news that happens in the present or today? perhaps there are two possibilities, that is indifferent or perhaps prayer will be disbanded. But at that time because every believer is honest and never lie, then the congregation and its priest simultaneously move direction kiblatnya because of a ruling that mendengarpun believers and believers. But if now, it would feel bothered if you do not do the check and re-check. Because the hearing is often a lie and who pass a lie too often that eventually each other equally suudzan (berburuk thought). Today the gossip is another interesting news, and gossip is money and we are most pleased with the news itself was gossip.
Why can not we be honest? why we often lie?
We often difficult to receive news, because most of the news that circulated among us is not truth. At the present time the more "prejudiced" to others. At the time of the Prophet has ever happened prejudice, there is a man who walked with a woman in the dimly lit places. Then that person was clarified to the Prophet: "O Messenger of Allah, who runs it was me and isrteriku. Rasulullah said: "Do not put yourself in a place where people will berburuk thought to yourself". So it should be reciprocal, ie, we should not have thought berburuk to others and also may not make people berburuk thought to ourselves. This means that other people do not berburuk suspect to us, then we do not position ourselves in places where other people will berburuk suspect to us. Because often the prejudices like this, then most of us are prejudiced is not the truth. So one of which is prohibited by the Prophet was "qola waqila" (she says, she says). As a result of too much he said-she said finally a point is not discussed, even the news that A is true but people who come to Z.
Properties that are not favored by God is a lie, and loved by God's nature is to be honest.
Messenger of Allah said that was narrated by Aisha said that: "The nature of the hated by the Prophet is a lie". If there are people who lie once, it will not be lost in the memory of the Prophet until he repent. Why lie is very serious? and honesty are very important?. Honest is good door. Lying is the door of crime. That is, if we open the door of honesty, then that will go is all good. Seballiknya lie is evil door, which opened the door lies when it goes into the whole crime.
Messenger of Allah said:
"Mandatory for you to be honest, real honesty will bring you to the goodness and kindness will lead to heaven".
When a person is always honest and always tried to be honest, it will make him always be honest. Abu Bakr called "As Sidiq" because He is truly an honest person and always the first honest to the truth. When the prophet tells the story of Isra and Mi `raj, Abu Bakr did not even think about it may or may not be even if it is logically impossible, because the Messenger of Allah an honest then he said" yes you are right Messenger ".
If we try to be honest and true, God will make us righteous. Being a righteous man will not be comfortable if you lie. In the above hadith advanced
"Stay away from the nature of a lie (lie). Sesungguhnyua nature of the lie will take you to the evil, and evil deeds will lead to hell.
There was a man who came to the Prophet wanted to embrace Islam but he really likes commit adultery .. The issue was brought to a psychiatrist if the recipe might be a lot, but very short Prophet gave the recipe, which is not allowed to lie (lie). What adultery relationship with a lie? lying is the door, if the door is opened, then all the sins it will go, but if the lie is closed then all sins will not enter. This means that of all the evil that we do it because we often dare to lie and lie.
By: Marhadi Muhayar, Lc., M.A.

Sincerity in charity

أشهد أن لا اله الا الله وحده لا شريك وأشهد أن محمدا عبده ورسوله اللهم صل على محمد وعلى آله وصحبه اجمعين أما بعد, فياأيها المسلمون أوصيكم وإياي بتقوى الله عز وجل والتمسك بهذا الدين تمسكا قويا. فقال الله تعالى في كتابه الكريم, أعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم "يا أيها الذين آمنوا اتقوا الله حق تقاته ولا تموتن إلا وأنتم مسلمون" - Ma'asyiral Muslims Rahimakumullah ..
Alhamdulilllah, praise we pray toward the presence of God Almighty that until today, God still gives us an opportunity to improve our devotion to Him, in the hope that hopefully all the shortcomings in the process of devotion was forgiven by Allah swt. Hopefully the momentum is also this Friday to give us more awareness of the increasing quality of our faith and piety to Him. Amen.
Truly this life is God created to test who among His servants are the most numerous and best charity. Charity is at the core of human existence in this world, without charity, the man will lose its function and its central role in establishing the caliphate and the Emirate. He said asserted purpose of human existence,
الذي خلق الموت والحياة ليبلوكم أيكم أحسن عملا وهو العزيز الغفور
"What makes the dead and alive, that He may test you, who among you a better charity. And He is Mighty, Forgiving. " (Al-Mulk: 2)
But at this stage of implementation, it was not enough just to do good only, because it is God's will that the selection of any charitable intentions and sincerity. Without a sincere, charitable person would be futile useless and is not seen at all by God Almighty.
Imam Al-Ghazali said, "Every man perish except the knowledgeable. The knowledgeable people will perish except those who labor (with knowledge). People who do charity also perish except those who are sincere (in charity). But sincere people also still need to be alert and careful in charity. " In this case, only people who are sincere charity that will receive virtue and a huge blessing, as guaranteed by God in His Word;
"But God's servants who cleaned up (to work with sincerity). They had obtained a certain provision, namely fruits. And they are the ones who glorified, in heaven-heaven of bliss ". (Ash-Shaaffat: 40-43)
Muslim Ma'asyiral RahimakumuLlah ...
Verse of primacy and security for people who work with this this should be our primary motivation in performing their duties and our daily work in any dimension and shape, both in the context of "hablum minaLlah or Hablum minannas" .. because the only people who will Mukhlis who will achieve great fortune in the Day of Resurrection, which is full of God's heaven with pleasure, although he had a lot of patience when the world's first. This verse is also one among the guarantees provided by God for people who Mukhlis.
Another assurance that God has in store for those who are sincere in charity can be found in the journey of Joseph as when he was confronted with a woman who took her to disobedience. That God will always maintain a servant who Mukhlis of indecency and immorality,
"Verily, the woman had intended (to do this thing) by Joseph, and he intends to (do well) with the woman if she did not see the sign (of) their Lord. Thus, for kemungkaran We turned from him and an abomination. Indeed Joseph was included slaves We are Mukhlis ". (Yusuf: 24).
In another verse, people who Mukhlis also get a guarantee will be spared the temptation and the devil persuasion. Devil himself admitted their helplessness and weakness in front of the people who labor with sincerity,
"He said:" My Lord, so you've decided that I go astray, surely I will make them look good (deeds ma'siat) in the earth, and surely I will mislead them all, except the servants of thine, Mukhlis in between them. "(Al-Hijr: 39-40).
By the same editors, this verse is repeated in sura Sad,
"He said:" By Thy power, I will mislead them all together, except Thy servants who Mukhlis between them ". (Shad: 82-83).
It fortress sincerity is the most sturdy fortress that is unshakable by any form of flattery and slander the devil and his allies.
Ma'asyiral Muslims RahimakumuLlah ...
In a review of science qira'at, qira'at scholars differ in reading the word "Al-Mukhlashin" which is at the end of the second verse. Most Qari 'read Al-Mukhlashin with maf'ul ism and others read by isim ficil Al-Mukhlishin. Imam Ibn Kathir, Abu Amr and Ibn Amir, read the entire sentence is in the Qur'an by reading "Al-Mukhlishin" which means: They are able to purify their religion and worship of all stains as opposed to the value of monotheism. While other scholars qira'at read Al-Mukhlashin which means: Those who are nurtured and receive taufik from God to have properties Ikhlas. Based on this qira'at, sincere and faith is an absolute gift of Allah to His servants who desired. But every servant commanded by God to always pay attention to and raise levels and tingkt sincerity in charity. Even God told us to imitate those who receive guidance for never expecting a reply from his credit except from God Almighty,
"Follow those who ask no reward thee, and they are the ones who receive guidance." (Yaasin: 21)
In principle, Islam regards sincerity as the foundation and a charitable spirit, whatever shape it for charity, including charity category Salih. Good deeds are done in the personal and collective scale (society, nation and state). Even the sincerity within the scope of the social collective was something heavy and require more patience. In this context, sincerity must be built on a reciprocal basis among all individuals in society and avoid jealousy and negative perceptions of each member. Similarly, the broader one's work area, the growing need for sincerity. Especially in the midst of increasingly diverse obstacles or examination that confronting sincerity, which in general is as stated by Shaykh Hasan al-Banna '(one of the scholars) in his treatise, namely: wealth, position, popularity, degree, want to always appear on the front and were given awards and praise, and so forth.
Muslim Ma'asyiral rahimakumuLlah ...
If sincerity is required of every person who labor, then according to Dr. Ali Abdul Halim Mahmud, the sincerity of a preacher is a necessity that must always accompany it because he will be faced with different circumstances and diverse human beings in the course of preaching. If not, then perish, and in vain to his credit. Even the fundamental nature of a preacher who must always melaziminya is sincere. Therefore, hadith scholars made Intentions chapter at the beginning of the book of hadith their composition, for the papers they always start with sincerity and not escape from these properties. You can imagine the scholars who are exemplary in performing good deeds, we pointed to always measure every charity that we do with the size of sincerity.
The prophets of God in their capacity as a preacher always makes sincerity as the jargon and principles of their mission. As an example of the Prophet Muhammad as the ultimate example in this case suggests about motivation in preaching,
"Say:" I do not ask reward to you in conveying the message of it, but (expect compliance with) the people who want to take the path to his Lord. " (Al-Furqan: 57)
With the same editor and in the same sura side by side, all the prophets of God emphasizes the principle of sincerity in their missionary ideal, from the prophet Noah, Hud, Salih, Lut and Syu'aib as.
"And I never asked for wage invitations you for it: my reward is only from the Lord of the Worlds". (Ash-Syu'ara ': 109, 127, 145, 164, 180).
This building has ever been demonstrated sincerity and exemplified the mission of the prophets of God Almighty, so that they achieve success and immortalized his name by God Almighty as a reflection of the preacher after them.
Muslim Ma'asyiral rhimakumuLlah ...
According to the language, in words sincere contained several meanings; clear, clean, pure from the mixture and pollution, both in material and non material. Opponents of sincerity is nifak and riya '. Messenger of Allah said about this noble trait in his saying, "Anyone whose main goal won the reward hereafter, Allah will make his fortune in his heart, will gather to him all its potential, and the world will come to him as he chased his own. Instead, whoever won the world's primary objective, Allah will make his poverty in front of his eyes, breaking all its potential, and the world will not come in person to him except by what has been destined for him. " (Tirmidhi).
In any circumstances, sincerity will remain the capital stock as well as steering charity Salih, much less charitable mission as the culmination of Salih. Because of increasingly heavy and noble a task would be increasingly needed sincerity. The more mature a person traveling and preaching experience, so should the better the level and quality of sincerity. Sincerity is also one of the two pillars and the requirement of receipt of charitable Salih, even his most important, as stated by Abdullah bin Al-Mubarak when interpreting the verse:
"What makes the dead and alive, that He may test you, who among you a better charity" (Al-Mulk: 2).
Without charitable person will be useless worthless. Therefore, with sincerity, a little charity would suffice as highlighted in a history of Ad-Dailami,
"أخلص العمل يجزيك القليل منه"
"Ikhlaslah you in charity, the charity is little enough that you do."
To be sincere can be maintained, of course there are variables attached to every charity that we do; among the variables of professionalism, competence, Itqan and earnestness. So that tends to charity as it is, haphazard, so long, "just" and the charity may be inconsistent because of lack ikhlasan us in this task. It's the toughest challenge for us really. Ikhlas is what will strengthen the potential of our spirituality. So our big question, "What is the spirit and motivation that drives the wheels of our charity for this? ...
Thus the sermon on the occasion of this day and time may be useful for us all.
بارك الله لى ولكم فى القرآن العظيم ونفعنى واياكم بما فيه من الايات والذكر الحكيم وتقبل الله منى ومنكم تلاوته انه هو السميع العليم


Position and function of the Qur'anGod Almighty created man as His caliph on earth. In addition, He also gave supplies to man armed with a guide it in order to perform the task of the Caliphate, ie Al-Qur'an Al-Karim.Al-Quran is the guidance of human life as it navigates kekhalifahannya task on earth, as Allah says in surah Al-Baqarah verse 185. However, that is able to take it as a guide only people who are pious (see QS 2/Al-Baqarah: 2).
Ash-Shaheed Hasan Al-Banna once said that the attitude of most people in the current period against the book of Allah like the man who covered the darkness from all directions. Various systems have been bankrupt, society has been destroyed, nationalism has been falling. Every time people make a new system for themselves, the system immediately shattered. Today, people do not get a road other than pray, grieve, and cry. It is strange, because before they actually have the Quran, the light is perfect. (Hadeeth Tsulatsa/23-24)
"And thus have We revealed to you the revelation (Qur'an) by Our command. Previously, you is not know whether the Scripture (Qur'an), nor know what faith was, but We made the Qur'an is light, which we guided by him whom We will of Our servants. And thou indeed give clues to a Straight Path. "(Surah 26/Asy-Syu 'araa: 52)
In this verse Allah says the Qur'an as a spirit that serves to move something that is dead, melt kejumudan, and revived the spirit of the people so that he could perform the task kekhalifahannya best.
Interaction with the Al-Quran
Allah promises to those who interact with the Qur'an will get the glory. Allah says:
"Verily We have sent down unto you a book that contains the causes of glory for you. So if you do not understand? "(Surah 21 / Al-Anbiyaa: 10)
These interactions should be completed either tilawatan (mastered how to read in accordance with the rules of Tajweed and able to read it at the time of day or night), fahman (understands the content of the verses being read), practice (the ability to practice the Qur'an in the life / membumikan Al-Qur'an) and hifzhan (the ability to memorize the verse-by verse the Qur'an).
That's four forms of interaction desired Quran to every Muslim.
Efforts to build the spirit of the Quran for the cadres and tips-tricks
To be able to interact again with the Qur'an, it is necessary to re aware of our obligations in the face of the Qur'an.
Ash-Shaheed Hasan Al-Banna's Muslim reveals some obligation related to the Qur'an, namely:

1. A Muslim must have a genuine belief and strong that nothing can save us except the social system that collected and sourced from the book of Allah SWT. Any social system that does not refer to or are not based on the Quran will definitely reap failure.
2. The Muslims must make the book of God as a dear friend, my friend spoke, and teachers. We should read it. Do not let any day we've been through while we are not in a relationship with Allah through the Quran. Thus the state of our predecessors, the salaf. They are never satisfied with Al-Qur'anul Karim. They never left. They even devote time to it. Mengkhatamkannya Sunnah teaches us to not more than one month and not less than three days. Umar bin Abdul Aziz when preoccupied with affairs of the Muslims, he took the codex and read it even though only two or three verses. He said, "For I am not including those who make the Qur'an as something left behind."
3. When reading the Qur'an we must consider the adab-adab read it. Similarly, when we listen to the Quran must consider the adab-adabnya. Let us try to reflect on and immersed in it.
4. Once we believe that the Qur'an is the only savior, we must practice the laws, both in the individual level as well as the laws relating to society or the laws relating to the ruler.

PONDER ISLAM | preach with photoshop

They say all roads lead to Rome, I prefer a lot of road to empire. Begitupulah with preaching, stout road we can travel for him. One of them denganmengajak people, lectures, discussions, lectures, and many others. But for this time aya will discuss other ways that are unique to preach, that is by using Adobe Photoshop "you know .. where nyambunngya ..?".
This story is anything can be used for proselytizing, well .. whether it is motorcycles, mobile phones, televisions, etc.. Once pulah with photoshop, we can use this one tool as the ultimate weapon for the smooth preaching.
A little introduction, Adobe software terpupuler photohop is devoted to engineering drawings, but benyak bergbagai also be used for design purposes. Already bayakkkok people use this one tool. Some wear to ngerjain certain people, there to wear them in photonya looked beautiful, used for various deseain,, tapiada also that no tahudeh results for what. Yahh .. let it be .....?
ok, back ketema, aja people use this program for them, why we do not use this weapon for propaganda ...?. it's good, wearing a little gun 'so sophisticated looh' propaganda increasingly lancarkebangkitanpun be getting closer.Not have to beat around the bush we langung ajanih practice "but my headache where to start "...................... 1 .......... ......................... .................... 2 3 ... ........................ 4 ......................... ... 5 after five minutes of thinking I finally got the idea from which memulianya.
I decided to just a little introduction first, if want to see how to do please see the next posting.
Ok, back ketema [feeling had already kembal, how come back again].
Ok, now really back ketema. We may often go to the mole see clothes, atao see our friends mamakai jersey. Try to imagine how, if the picture is of her blouse bamgar mertemakan it preaches, is not good. if you yourselves are interested you cans make such a shirt design using photoshop.
Have you guys are the activities. Dizziness how do I nyari participants. Create panflet wrote an interesting design, I hope young people can change the hearts of the prospective participants. "Interested" Why just use Photoshop.Already have panflet event, but a headache "apayah accessories gifts for her show. Leave the same aja photoshop, banyakkkok that can be made.
Ehhh. Forgetfulness has become all the activities planned, but still lack of funds. Quiet photoshop can help you. You can create a PIN, Border books, stickers, and then sell. The design is still using photoshop.
Kan fund already exists, so that's good to make the event more festive banners. Well .. binnya certainly use photoshop more energy ...
Enakkan use photohopnya. Not only that if you want serious, you can use your skills in photoshop this as a commercial enterprise "Itung Itung as livelihoods, could also infak as much as possible let the current mission.
So first introduction deh, mending liat aja langung we do more afdol how it works. "My first tulian just this info, and I also write so it's known not know if Nayak wrong wrong."


Ibnu Sammak a candidate to provide advice to meet Haroon Rasheed. At that harun felt thirsty and asked for a glass of water. Thus, ibn Sammak asked, "if you are prevented from drinking the water, whether you will pay for half the kingdom?"
Harun al-Rashid replied, "yes." After they finished drinking ibn Sammak asked again,

"if you are prevented to remove the water that you drink from your stomach, if you pay by half kerajanmu relah other towards justice?"

Aaron replied 'yes' ibn Sammak said, "there is no means a kingdom whose value is not more precious than water segelah."

What about you. How the world price for you. Rich and poor alike. The difference is the quality of our faith.

But remember the wealth or the world should also be sought. Karna with many other aygn goodness we can do.

The point should never assume the world as everything. But we still have to look for it.

look for the world, because he will help you. But do not make it king, because he will menjerumuskannmu.
(S. Tariq al-Fatih). Article-No: -000 059

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Can be alone with Fiancé?

My question: does the approval and announcement can be viewed as a marriage according to Shari'ah, which means let me alone with my fiance woman. Please note that the conditions of today I have not been possible to carry out the ceremony and officially registered in marriage affairs office (KUA). . ANSWER Khitbah (woo, propose, engaged) by language, customs, and Personality, not a marriage. He was just a preamble (introduction) for marriage and the introduction there. . The whole book dictionary distinguish between the words "khitbah" (apply) and "zawaj" (married); customs also distinguish between the man who had proposed (engaged) with the already married; and shari'ah distinguish clearly between the two terms are . Therefore, khitbah no more than announce a desire to marry a particular woman, while zawaj (marriage) is aqad binding and strong agreement that has limits, conditions, rights, and certain consequences. Quran has revealed a second case, ie when discussing the death of her husband: "And there is no sin for you woo women (whose husbands have died and are still in 'iddah) it with sarcasm or you hide (the desire to marry them ) in your heart. He knows that you will mention them, in the meantime do not set up an appointment to marry them in secret, except just to say (to them) words that ma'ruf (good satire.) And do not ber'azam (bertetap liver) to beraqad marriage before it runs out 'iddahnya. "(Al Baqarah: 235) Khitbah, though nevertheless performed the ceremonies, it was more just to strengthen and memantapkannya only. And khitbah under any circumstances will not be able to provide any rights to the suitor, but only to deter other men to ask for her hand, as mentioned in the hadith: "There can be one of you proposes marriage proposal of his brother." (Muttafaq 'alaih) Therefore, the important and should be noted here that the woman who had spoken for dipinang or remains a foreigner (non-mahram) to the applicants so that established marriage (marriage contract) with him. The woman should not be invited to live in the same house (household) except after proper marriage ceremony conducted according to Islamic rules, 'and fundamental pillar in this agreement is the final offer and Kabul. Consent and the Kabul-pronunciation is the pronunciation (the sayings) of certain well-known in traditional and Personality '. During the ceremony - with the consent and Kabul - has not happened, then the marriage had not been realized and have not occurred, either by custom, Personality ', or the law. Women's fiancee still as a stranger to her suitor (applicants) who are not lawful for them to be alone and traveling alone with no one mahramnya like his father or his brother. According to the provisions of Personality, which has been known that the man who has married a woman and then leave (divorce) his wife was before he interfere, so he gave a dowry to his wife berkewaiiban half price. He said: "If you divorce your wives before you interfere with them, when in fact you have determined maharnya, then pay half of the dowry which you have set it, unless the wife-wives, that forgive or be forgiven by those who hold the marriage tie ... "(Al Baqarah: 237) As if the suitor to leave (divorce), female courtship, after dipinangnya, both the time interval was long or short, so he did not have anything except the obligation of moral and traditional punishment in the form of taunts and insults. If that is the situation, which may be the suitor would be allowed to do against female courtship, as allowed for people who have done the ceremony. Therefore, my advice to you his pen, he must immediately implement the marriage contract with her fiance's. If that is done, then all who asked earlier diperbolehkanlah. And if the condition is not possible, then it should he keep his heart to cling to religion and toughness as a man, to curb his passion and control it with piety. It's not good to start something beyond the lawful and unlawful conduct. I advise also to the father and the guardian to be aware of their daughters, do not be hasty in letting those who are already engaged. Therefore, those days are always changing and, as well as the human heart. Careless attitude at the beginning of a case may lead to a result of the bitter and bitter. Therefore, stop at the boundaries of God is the more appropriate action and more mainstream. "... Whoever violates the laws of God, they are the ones who zhalim." (Al Baqarah: 229) "And those who obey Allah and His Messenger, and fear Allah and fears Him, then they are who got the victory. "(An Nur: 52) Contemporary Edicts Dr. Yusuf Qaradawi echoes of Insanity Press Jln. North Kalibata II No. 84 Jakarta 12740 Tel. (021) 7984391-7984392-7988593 Fax. (021) 7984388 ISBN 979-561-276-X
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Sign in Islam After Chatting On The Internet

Chatting is sometimes perceived as the habits of people who do not have a job and just sit - sit, but who would have thought it started with Moses, 16 who notes the Jewish religious bennya can find guidance from there. The following story details. . Musa Caplan full name. Was only 16 years old. Before embracing Islam, Moses was Jewish. His family was not from the traditional Jewish (orthodok). But he had learned from the followers of traditional religions. "I learned religion from Jewish groups Orthodok at the synagogue (Jewish house of worship-ed). Similarly, formal education in schools orthodok, "said Moses. Living in the Jewish community in the United States Orthodok, he seemed to "break" contacts with the outside world. Automatically at the time of Moses did not have non-Jewish friends at all. Through the assistance he internetlah mendapatkanbanyak friends, especially from Islamic circles. From the online discussion, she actually began to doubt with his religion and finally bersyahadah via the internet. Here's her story as told in the site Know Islam via the Internet "Lately, since the Internet knows, I so love to chat. From there can be contacts with various parties, tribes and religions, "he added. In fact, e-mail Musa began slowly filled by his friends who are Muslim. Since then he became interested and enthusiastic about studying Islam. "I put very special attention to Islam. We exchanged info about God, prophets, moral, and religious values. Slowly I've learned a lot about Islam. It turned out that Islam is a religion of peace. Likewise I could not get rid of bad image about Islam. For example when I heard there is a terrorist attack, just like the others, I pointed to Islamic extremists. "I'm Moses. Lucky he was to have an online acquaintance Muslim. "He who has opened the door of Islam to me." As a result he had so many questions to himself. Does Islam teach it (to kill innocent people)? He said the Prophet Mohammed was a great fighter and never kill innocent people. "From the discussions I'm sure Islam teaches respect, peace, and tolerance. There was never mentioned to kill people other than Islam. In the Qur'an there is one very valuable lesson and in its meaning: "To kill someone, the same as destroying the whole world." Moses, citing a verse of the Koran. Therefore, we determined (a law) for the Children of Israel that whoever kills a person, not because that person kills another person, or not do mischief on earth, it is as if he had killed all mankind. Whoever maintains the life of a human being, then as if he has maintained all human life. (Al-Ma'idah: 32) After making sure Islam is not a religion of war, Moses decided to study Islam more deeply. He actually found the doubts in their own religion. "For some reason my vision is perfect with the view of Islam. I suspect even the Old Testament, for example, has much changed. Modified solely for material interests. "" Other interesting things that took me more inclined to Islam is a scientific truth (scientific truth) that exist in the Qur'an. Scientific content of the Qur'an amazing. For example the Koran tells how human events that originated from human sperm. Kehifupan human origin, as told in the Quran was long before science discovered, "said Moses steady. "Al-Quran also states how the mountains formed and talk about the atmosphere! It's all just a few of so many scientific discoveries, which has existed in the Holy Qur'an 1400s of years ago long before the discoveries of science today. This is one of the key factors that menghantarku or find the truth in life, "he continued enthusiastically. Musa added that there are many websites (websites) that are very biased in interpreting certain verses. For example the verses of the "war". He said, most sites that take the phrase "war" is to make the opinion that Islam is religion of love to war. "This is not the case. In Arabic, the word Islam comes from the flesh, which means "peaceful or saved." I'm pretty sure Islam a religion of peace. "Not daring to leave prayer Given the very young age and lived in the neighborhood of the Jews, Moses faces many challenges. Especially from his family. "It's very difficult for them if they knew I had to change beliefs. Honestly, family and relatives all dear to me. What was their reaction when knowing her beloved son had converted to Islam? Therefore, while I can not freely show perfectly the life of Islam in daily life. But I give thanks to God, given the strength to be able to perform the prayers five times with the current. Special prayers I struggle to not leave, "said Moses. Interestingly, the procedure of worship in Islam, like prayer learned through chatting with fellow Muslims as well as browsing the Internet. "At least I can still maintain a belief in God. A few other things, physically, quite difficult to express in public. "Musa do not dare tell his parents that had embraced Islam. That's why he has not dared leave the house to go to mosque for prayers. As mentioned above, place of residence is Orthodox Jewish area and the mosque which is located too far away to his home. Because of a very young age, Moses is sometimes difficult to control his emotions. For example when arguing something about Muslims, say about the Middle East, his heart so easily popped. "When the discussion of all family members certainly support Israel. They do not know what the actual reality. Like the Palestinians, I think they should treat the people there as well. When my family talked about the situation there, especially when they mention "the Holy Land of the Jews" or "Land of Dreams", for some reason my heart is rejected and there is even a sense of anger. I am so easily offended. "I Moses at length. Difficult bersyahadah in the general public "I do not get a chance to say Shahadah with crowds witnessed. Even so I have been before the Supreme bersyahadah Watching, namely Allah. Later when I was mature enough and are considered to travel alone, so I intend to go to the mosque, God willing. The most important thing now is to improve the quality of self (faith), "he said. Secretly Moses even started preaching by inviting colleagues to abandon sepermainannya drinking, watching pornographic movies, stay away from drugs and also eliminates terkarang habit of stealing. But of course it was not easy. Moses tried as best he could. "Everything is in order and to God. I hope over time that there could do what God Maui from His servants. "Moses, uniquely, do not want to be called has found Islam or convert to Islam or have obtained after the bright light in the darkness. But he wants is said to have returned to Islam. May God lead him to the right path as Allah has guided us all. Amiin. Considered dead into his Islamic Jewish event indeed often make a scene. Most community and especially the family of the convert can not accept that. As a Jewish girl escape incidents recently in Yemen. Last known to the girls had embraced Islam. Reportedly there such an event has happened dozens of times. For such a case, then the family of the Jewish converts to do the ceremony of death and considers one of his family members have died, because out of the Jewish religion. Maryam Jamilah, author of the famous Muslim convert and an American Jew who converted to Islam in 1961, has experienced hard times after changing beliefs. Told at the time he was no longer considered by the members of his family. "My family was preparing an opinion that I was out (of Jews). I was warned, by embracing Islam my life would be difficult, because Islam is not part of America. It is said they, with air-Islam then I would be exiled from the family and society, "the story of women who have the original name was Margaret Marcus, as cited Islamreligion. "Honestly, at that time I have not been so robust in the face of attacks and pressure like that. Until fall ill. Bahjan I plan to quit college. For two years I was in the special medical care, "he continued. Mary began to come into contact with Islam when ten years old. One when he never said this. "Eight years in elementary school, then four years in high school and one year at the academy. I studied English, French, Spanish, Latin and Greek, Arithmetic, Geometry, Algebra, Biology, History of Europe and America, Music and Art, but I never knew who my God! "That's
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The story of Prophet Sulaiman

Prophet Sulaiman was one of the sons of Daud. Since he was a boy eleven years old, he already showed signs of intelligence, shrewdness, intelligence and precision in thinking in considering and taking something decision. . A jury of Sulaiman. While Daud, his father occupied the throne of the kingdom of Bani Israil he always mendampinginnya in each court hearing held to handle the case in land disputes and disputes that occur in society. He was deliberately taken by Daud, his father attended the court hearings and menyekutuinya in handling the affairs of the kingdom to train and prepare it as a crown prince who will replace them lead the kingdom, when it is time he must fulfill the divine call to leave this mortal world. And indeed the smartest Sulaiman among other brothers and an even older age thereof. . An event that shows intelligence and acuity namely brain occurs in one of the trial that he also attended. in the hearing that two people came to complain to ask the Prophet David, they try the case of disputes, namely that free garden plants one of the two men had been entered by the goats cattle companions in the night that resulted in broken binasanya perkarangannya already treating so long so close to the harvested . Friend who complained that recognizes the truth of the complaint was his friend and that free-destructive haiwan ternakannyalah destroyed his friend's garden and perkarangan. In case the dispute, David decided that free as compensation dideritai by the owner of the vineyard due to the destruction of his neighbor's pet goats, then the owner of the goats had to surrender their pets to the owners of the garden as damages caused by keeping animals kecuaiannya ternakannya. However, Sulaiman who heard the decision was handed down by his father was a perceived lack of appropriate said to the father: "O my father, according pertimbanganku sepatut decision reads thus: To the owners who have lost crops perkarangan diserahkanlah haiwan cattle reared its neighbors for, taken the results and utilized for the needs, are perkarangannya who had perished were handed over to the neighboring farm owners to refurbished and treating until returning to his native state, then each receive back his property, so the way each side gets nothing more than profit or loss proper. "Kuputusan proposed by Solomon was well received by both those who sue and be sued and be welcomed by the people who attended the hearing with a sense of awe at the intelligence and cleverness that although Solomon young age has shown maturity of thinking and courage gave birth to an opinion, although not in accordance with the opinion of his father. This event is the beginning of the life history of Prophet Solomon is full of miracles and prophetic gift of God bestowed on him and his father David. Throne of the Kingdom of Solomon Occupying father since a young age has been prepared by David Solomon to succeed him to the royal throne singgahsana Bani Israil. Abang Sulaiman called Absyalum not let itself bypassed by her sister. He thought that unlicensed was he who duly became crown prince and not a weaker brother and younger fizikalnya srta not many like him have the life experience. Kerananya he hold a grudge against his father that he regarded not justice, and of raping his rights as heir to the throne the first of Bani Israil. Absyalum resolved will memberotak against his father and bermati will fight hard to wrest power from the hands of her father or brother whatever he has to sacrifice to achieve that goal. And in preparation for the design of rebellion that, from the way he tried to approach people, showing compassion and love for them to help solve the problems they face and unifying them under the influence and leadership. He was not uncommon to expand its influence, stood before the palace gate to intercept people who come to the king and handle their own problems that they asked for settlement. After feeling that unlicensed its influence is widespread among the people of Bani Israil and that unlicensed he has managed to captivate most of them, Absyalum assume that free time has arrived to implement the plan spoils of power and take over power from his father's hand with force. Then he spies spread throughout the country to incite the people and give a sign to advocates-advocates plan, that unlicensed when they heard the sound of trumpets, then they must be gathered, surrounded him and then announced his appointment as king of Bani Israil replace David's father. Syahdan on a morning when David sat on the palace porch talking with the authorities and government advisors, rumbling voice came screaming people cheering Absyalum appointment as king of Bani Israil replace David demanded down from his throne. State of the city into chaos-riot-hit bilau uncontrolled safety and fights happen everywhere between the pros and the cons with the power Absyalum. Prophet David was sorry to see the noise and chaos that swept the country, due to puterannya own deeds. But he tried to control her emotions and refrain from actions and measures that can increase the severity of the situation. He took the decision to avoid bloodshed which is not desired, leave the palace and ran out together workers across the river Jordan to the Mount of Olives. And so David went out of the city of Jerusalem, go Absyalum accompanied by his followers into the city and soon occupied the royal palace. While David did istikharah and Munajat to God on Mount of Olives Taufiq and begged Him for help to save the kingdom and the country from the havoc and destruction resulting from his actions, the rebellious son that. After holding Munajat istikharah and diligent in God, David finally decided to immediately hold a counter action against his son and a squad of Military dikirimkanlah of his followers are still loyal to him to Jerusalem to reclaim the royal palace of Bani Israil Absyalum hand. He told the commander of troops who will attack and invade the palace, to act wisely and wherever possible to avoid bloodshed and murder that is not necessary, especially regarding Absyalum, his son, he gave the message that saved his soul and captured alive. But fate has determined other than what the father wanted for her son. Commanders who successfully stormed the palace can not do nothing other than kill Absyalum who fight and are reluctant to surrender after he was imprisoned and besieged. With the killing of David, occupied the throne Absyalum back and calm returned to normal as it includes the city of Jerusalem. And after occupying the throne of Bani Israil wafatlah forty years of David in an advanced age and dinobatkanlah as his heir Solomon as diwasiatkan by his father. Solomon Powers Up Jin and Other Creatures of the Prophet Solomon who has complete control over the kingdom of Bani Israil widening and widening, Allah has subjected to him the other creatures, namely Jin the wind and the birds all of which are under orders to do what wants and perform all command. In addition, God also gave him a gift in the form of the flow of liquid copper from underground to exploited for the construction work of buildings, works plates for a pool of water, pot-pot, which stay above the furnace is done by troops him Jin. As one of the miracles that God gives to Solomon is his ability catch intent contained in the voice of animals and vice versa animals can also understand what he commanded and pronounce. So then when Prophet Solomon caravan travel in large groups composed of men, jinn and other animals, leading to a place called Asgalan it through a valley called the valley of the ants. There he heard an ant said to his companions: "O ye ants, enter ye all into the nest, so that you survive and not be trampled by Solomon and destroyed tenteranya without his conscious and deliberate. Prophet Sulayman smiled ant laughed at the frightened voice. He tells this to his followers as he thanks God for His bounty that makes it able to hear and capture the intent contained in the ant's voice. He felt that free takjud also understand that unlicensed animals prophets of God will not interfere with anything being deliberately and in a conscious state. Solomon and the Queen Balqis After Solomon wake Baitulmaqdis and make the pilgrimage in accordance with nadzarnya went he went on his way to Yeman. On arrival in San'a - the capital of Yeman, he called a kind of bird hud-hud told to look for woodpeckers to water sources in a dry place was barren. It turns out that free-hud hud bird that called it is not between regions of bird that always are in place to perform the tasks and commands of the Prophet Solomon. Prophet Solomon was angry and threatened to teach the bird Hud-hud which is not present it when he came for no reason and the excuse was real. Hud-hud say birds are perched in front of Solomon as he bowed his head fears:: "I've done reconnaissance flights and find something very important to be known by his excellency sir. I have found a great empire and luxury in the land of Saba is controlled and ruled by a queen. I saw a queen was seated on a magnificent throne bertaburkan glittering jewels. I saw the queen and his people do not know God the Creator of the universe that has mengurniakan them pleasure and happiness in life. They do not worship and bow down to Him, but to the sun. They were bowing to him when his sunrise and sunset. They have been misled by the devil from the straight and true. "Solomon said to the Hud-hud:" Well, this time I forgive you your sins kerana bring this news that I think is important to note and to validate the truth beritamu it, please bring this letter to Saba and throw into the palace of the queen that you meant it, then come back as soon as possible, while we await further developments on how to Reply queen of Saba this letter. "Hud-hud fly back to Saba and upon arrival at the royal palace Saba dilemparkanlah letter Prophet Solomon right in front of the queen Balqis who was sitting with a majestically on his throne. He was surprised to see a letter falls from the air directly in front of his face. He then lifted his head looking up, want to know from where the letter was coming and who are less respectful threw it right in front of him. Then Take a letter by the queen, opened and read its contents, which reads: "With the Name of Allah the Most Merciful the Compassionate again, this letter is than I, Solomon. Do not be arrogant to me and think you're higher than me. Come to me all surrender. "After reading the letter repeatedly Queen Balqis Solomon summoned the princes and royal advisers gathered to deliberate on what action should be taken in connection with the receipt of a letter that the Prophet Solomon. Berkatlah the authorities when requested petimbangannya: "O my lord queen Your Worship, we are the sons who bred and trained to fight and fight and not to become expert thinkers or planners who should be given consideration or advice to you. We submit to you to make decisions that will bring good to the kingdom and we will comply and implement all the commandments and the decision without hesitation. We will not be afraid to face all threats coming from any dam safety in order to maintain your salvation kingdom. "Balqis Queen replied:" I get the impression from uraianmu that you give priority to violent means and if necessary you will not be daunted enter the battlefield against the enemies that would invade. I am very grateful for your loyalty to the kingdom and kesediaanmu risking lives to protect my safety and the safety of my kingdom. However, I do not see eye to eye with you all. According pertimbanganku, more wisely if we are on the path of peace and avoid violence and warfare. Because if we oppose the violence and until there is war and our enemy successfully invaded our cities, then nescaya will result in damage and destruction that sgt sad. They will destroy all the buildings destroyed, enslave people and seize all property and heritage of our forefathers. Matter like that is a corollary of every war experienced by the human history of the period to the during. Solomon then faces a letter containing the threat, I would soften his heart tried to send a gift of a kingdom that will consist of valuable goods and high quality that can dazzle and dazzle her eyes and I'll see how he gave the response and reaction to my gift was and how he received the messenger in his palace. While Queen Balgis get ready for the royal gift set that will be sent to Solomon and choose the people who will be the royal messenger bearing gifts, it was perched in front of scouts Solomon Hud-hud preach to him the draft Balqis to send envoys bearing gifts for him as an answer on his letter to him. After hearing the news brought by the Hud-hud, the Prophet Sulayman manage revenue plan envoy Queen Balqis and ordered the troops Jinnya to provide and build a magnificent building that it will not dazzle unrivaled Balqis mission when they arrived. When the mission of Queen Balqis come, diterimalah them with warm-hearted by Solomon and after hearing their description of the intent and purpose of their arrival with a prize brought the kingdom, Solomon said: "Come back you with these gifts to ratumu. Say to him that unlicensed God has given me sustenance and abundant wealth and mengurniaiku with the bounty and blessings are not given to someone DRP His creatures. In addition I have diutuskan as His prophets and apostles, and was awarded a vast empire that my power does not apply to humans' sake only, but includes also the type of creature Jin and animals. So how am I going to be persuaded by the property and a similar gift this? I can not be neglected from the obligation to preach Prophethood by property and gold even though all the earth. You have been blinded by the body and worldly pomp, so that you look at the great gifts that you bring this and thinks that free will tersilaulah Ratumu our eyes to the prize. Go home you go back and convey to him that unlicensed we will send a very strong Military reinforcements that will not be invincible to the land of Saba and will issue a ratumu and his followers from the country as people who are abjectly who lost empire and greatness, if he does not coming soon meet the demands and surrender to me. "Mission Balqis back to report to the queen what they experienced and what had been spoken by the Prophet Solomon. Balqis think, the best way to save himself and his kingdom is to give it up to the demands of Solomon and came to him in his palace. Prophet Solomon to the Queen was eager to show that free Balqis he has supernatural powers in addition to birth control and that what he had ancamkan through the group's mission is not empty threats. Then said he to Jinnya troops, who are among those who could bring the throne of Queen Balqis before his men came surrender. Said the Ifrit, a genie who tercerdik: "I could take the throne from Queen's palace Balqis before you had time to stand up from where dudukimu. Pesuruhmu I am strong and can be trusted. Someone else who has the knowledge and wisdom nyeletuk said: "I'll take the throne was here before you could close your eyes." When the Prophet Sulaiman saw the throne Balqis was in front, he said: This is one of God's gift to me to try whether I am grateful of His bounty it or deny Him, give thanks kerana whoever it was solely for his own good and whoever denies God's blessings and bounty, he will lose money in the world and the hereafter and Allah is Rich, Most Noble. " Menyonsong arrival of Queen Balqis, Solomon ordered his men to change slightly the shape and color of the Queen's throne who had been in front of it after the Queen had arrived along with escort-retinue, asked the Prophet Solomon said, menundingkan to the throne: "Similar Is this your throne?" Balqis replied: "As if this is my throne itself," while wondering to himself, how could that unlicensed his throne to be here when he was convinced that free was in the palace throne when he departed leaving Saba. While Balgis are in a state of chaotic mind, kehairanan see the throne of his kingdom was moved to the palace of Solomon, he was brought into a room purposely built for acceptance. The floor and walls were made of white glass. Balqis immediately disclose his clothes over his calf when he was in the room, that free thought she was on a pool of water to wet the body and clothes. Solomon said to him: "You do not have to disclose your clothes. You are not above the pond water. What you see is the glass-white glass into the floor and walls of this room. "" Oh, my God, "said Balqis menyedari weakness itself against the greatness and power of God demonstrated by the Prophet Solomon," I have long strayed away than your , neglect of Thy favor and bounty, and menzalimi hurt myself so the fall of light and Your mercy. Forgive me. I submit to Thy Prophet Solomon with sincerity and conviction. Have mercy on me, O God the Most Compassionate and Merciful. "Such is the story of Prophet Solomon and the Queen of Saba Balqis. And according while commentators and historians prophets, Prophet Solomon in the end that free wedding with Balqis and from perkahwinannya was born a son. According to the Ethiopian emperor Abessinia, they are descended from the son of Solomon Balqis results perkahwinannya with it. Bisshawab natural Allaah. Death of Prophet Sulaiman Al-Quran tells that unlicensed there are no signs indicating the death of Solomon except termites that eat the cane that he leans to him when God took his spirit. The genie is currently working on building upon his orders did not know that unlicensed Prophet Solomon was dead until after they saw the Prophet Sulayman fell prostrate on the floor, due to the fall of the stick rests are eaten by termites. If the genie has been known before, surely they would not continue the work that they regard as a humiliating seksaan. Various stories are associated persons in the verse that tells of the death of Solomon, but kerana stories that are not supported reinforced by a tradition that muktamad valid, then we should just stick with what was narrated by Al-Quran and then it is God who is more knowledge and to Him we surrender. The story of Solomon can be found at the Al-Quran, surah An-Naml verse 15 so that verse 44 Source:
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